New Book Reveals Abuse Can Be Legal In The United States

Most citizens of the US do not know that when there's a claim of abuse, the agencies and court Do Not Have To speak to witnesses or completely investigate.

Local Author: Sandra Black Will Present Book Signing

Mother Enslaved: Ultimate Betrayal

Where: Marion Public Library - Room "B"

When: Friday May 30, 2014

Time: 6:30 - 7:30 PM Refreshments Available

Author Sandra Black will discuss many issues that plague our society here in Marion, Indiana. Are you ready to make our experience on Earth better for ourselves and our children? Come out and discuss how...

It is legal to abuse the elderly without investigation of any witnesses.

It is legal to force residents to pay another person's water bill and their water usage.

The vast majority of agencies taking up tax payer money are only there as fronts and do not help when it comes to a true major need.

example: Legal Services. If you have a genuine serious legal problem and are poor, you would think you would be the first considered. You are indeed the last. Why have legal services if they only help when a case is not complicated and could be handled Pr Se with internet referrals?

EEOC, Human Rights Commission, Adult Protection Agency, Legal Services, etc. all do very little for the cause in which they are funded.

If their job is to do the least amount of service possible, why have them at all?

The United States is considered one of the largest and best wealthy and technologically advanced countries in the world so...

Why So Much Murder and Frustration Today?

Let's start a fix one city at a time. Come out on Friday the 30th of May at 6:30PM to begin a change, one person at a time, one City at a time, one State at a time, one Nation at a time until we embrace humanity the world over as God intended...

Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven.


Tags: abuse, Alzheimer's, conspiracy, court, Dementia, discrimination, Free, mother enslaved, neglect

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Sandra Black
Press Contact, Spiritual Resources Inc.
Spiritual Resources Inc.
312 West 16th Street
Marion, IN 46953
United States