New Book Shows How Mastering Your Finances Means Mastering Your Life
Online, June 26, 2014 ( - A 2012 National Financial Capability Study revealed that :
• 19% of individuals reported that over the past year, their household spent more than their income (not including the purchase of a new home, car or other big investment),
• 56 percent don't have three months' worth of expenses saved up in case of emergency.
• 34 percent of adults make only minimum credit card payments.
• The average US household credit card debt stands at $15,191
Women in particular lack confidence when it comes to money. A recent study on women's financial security published in Women & Money Magazine stated that 42% of all women lack financial security and only 7% of women are "very confident" in their ability to fully retire with a comfortable lifestyle.
Linda Binns has been helping people transform their life situations since 1997. Many of the people Binns helps are business women who are struggling financially, like Mary Cravets - a business coach in Arizona who found that the harder she worked at trying to make money, the less she actually made. "I can't thank you enough for your Inner Mastery Program. I'm only two lessons in and have experienced the most profound shift. I used to be petrified to take my mind off of financial striving, for fear of not having enough. With your program, I've focused on creating ease and peace in my life, and at the same time created a better income than I've experienced in years. It's nice to know I don't have to live in total chaos in order to make a very good living."
Binns has learned from her own past financial struggles that the root of the problem lies within, and so does the solution. With this latest book, Linda Binns seeks to empower readers, particularly women, to have a healthier relationship with money, and to master their financial future. It's a very different kind of financial book, but one that helps people take control and release the fear, guilt and shame they have experienced when it comes to money.
The book includes chapters by contributing authors Patricia Noel Drain - Business Coach and Multiple Streams of Income Expert (Making the Money You Deserve) and Nick Drzayich - Financial Advisor (Your Wealth Tree).
Tags: financial freedom, money management, personal finances