New Book Shows You How You Can Regain Control of Your Life

For many of us there is a feeling of helplessness, a notion that we are a very small fish in a huge shark pool and there is not much we can do to change things in our World. 'Happiness Is Not An Illusion' shows this is not necessarily the case.

Are you buying into the recession hype? The more you focus on how bad things might be - the worse they will definitely become.

Everyday in the media we are bombarded by negative press telling us how bad things are in the Country and the rest of the World. There is no doubt that we are living through difficult times but is it really as bad as everyone is saying or are we all making it worse by believing the hype and acting accordingly?

Has the money suddenly disappeared? Has everything really ground to a halt? Of course not, however things have slowed considerably and maybe we are collectively all to blame for this. After all if we believe money is tight, investments are risky and things will get worse before they get better etc., then it is only natural to adopt a more careful attitude and hang on to our money. But does this course of action help or hinder? By not spending or investing do we become as big a part of the problem as the banks and politicians?

For many of us there is a feeling of helplessness, a notion that we are a very small fish in a huge shark pool and there is not much we can do to change things in our World. However this is not necessarily the case. In his new book 'Happiness Is NOT An Illusion' John Fahey explains how you can overcome these feelings of helplessness and hopelessness and shows you how you can take back control in all areas of life. The responsibility for what happens can once again become yours, rather than you being at the mercy of others. John takes you on a journey in this fun to read book that in no way patronises or talks down to you and the contents cover many of lifes important issues. Some Key points addressed are:

How to take back responsibility for your life so you are in control and not lurching along like some runaway train
How your life is a system, within a system and small changes you can make in one area have the power to affect many areas
How to dump all of your old negative baggage that is weighing you down and hampering your life
That your reality is not always what you think it is and
How you create your own reality
That whatever happens is down to you and not external situations
How to follow through and succeed in all of your endeavours rather than work at something for a few weeks and then let it fizzle out
How to create the new You
How to handle anything and everything that comes your way
How to look forward to each day, full of enthusiasm and anticipation
How your happiness and contentment is a direct reflection of how much you help others
How to be genuinely happy for all of your life and not just for a few fleeting moments
How to create your perfect life that you have always dreamt of

John draws on his own extensive life experience and much of what he writes about is based on real life personal experience and comes from the heart. His life experience is also complimented by over 25 years study in NLP, Psycho Cybernetics, Psychology and many of the great self help and self esteem gurus.

Whilst there are any number of books available to help you put your life in order, the humorous content, the writing style and the feeling of - it's just you and John sitting in a room together talking things through - really sets 'Happiness Is NOT An Illusion' apart from others. John is that confident in the book that he even offers a money back guarantee on all orders from the books website.

'Happiness Is NOT An Illusion' is available in hard copy direct from and also as an electronic book on Amazon Kindle @


Tags: happiness, recession, self esteem, self-improvement

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