New Business Is Consumer Conscious
Online, March 8, 2011 ( - There are countless websites out there offering amazing discounts on the internet these days. It is quite a bother to keep up with them all. If I want to go to a restaurant, I have to print a voucher from one website. If I want to go to a shop to make a purchase, I have to check the internet for offers available. One simply does not have time to always do this. Hence, I end up just paying the full amount. Somehow always feel cheated when this happens.
Worry not however, as this is all due to change now as there is a great new website that allows you to check a vast, variation of discounts and offers all under one URL. It is free and simple to join. You must register yourself on this now at
Cloudiply is the latest social networking website to hit the UK by storm. If you have not yet heard about it, where have you been? If you have heard of it, you will know how brilliant it is and will have almost certainly already registered yourself online.
Cloudiply offers its users up to 90% off discounts to restaurants, bars, cinema tickets, beauty products and treatment, spas, gym, outdoor activities and lots more. Not only do the users get massive discounts, therefore lots of money saving. Users who recruit a sufficient number of friends to join will be promoted to 'Angel' status within the Cloudiply system. This entitles the recruiter to receive 'thank you' cash bonuses that can be spent wherever and whenever.
Cloudiply have really thought about their consumers and have made changes to their website and system to suit the customer's needs. Such things as your inbox will not be cluttered with irrelevant emails; you choose the categories of offers you desire to be informed about. You can also find out about offers through your Facebook and Twitter. Cloudiply is making your life that much more relaxed.
Tags: discounts, earn, money, offer, saving