New Call Centre To Create Jobs And Boost Industry, Report Voice Group
Online, May 1, 2012 ( - Sheffield, UK Voice Group has praised the ability of the call centre industry to boost the British economy by providing hundreds of local jobs. This comes after the news that BT will be creating up to 300 new jobs after it revealed plans to open a new call centre in Accrington this autumn.
The telecoms giant has been working with the Lancashire Council for many months to find suitable offices in the county. Now that an appropriate location has been decided, local authorities believe that the BT call centre will boost Lancashire's economy, while creating excellent job opportunities for local people.
Voice Group supports the BBC's decision to open a new call centre in Lancashire, as many organisations are choosing to outsource their call centres. Voice Group themselves currently employs approximately 350 members of staff across two Sheffield-based call centres.
The award-winning contact centre believes that the key to their success has been the development and training of all of their members of staff. As a result, Voice Group has become one of the most respected call centre brands in the UK, and offers a range of key services that include telesales, database generating, and appointment setting services( ).
The team at Voice Group have a wide range experience, which ensures that they are able to select the best agents for each individual client. Every member of staff, whether they are part of the telesales team or appointment setters( ), is supported by a dedicated management resource, which includes training, quality control, account management, and general operational management.
For additional information, or for details about joining the Voice Group team, please visit the VOICE Group website( ) .
Notes to Editor
The philosophy of Voice Group is to provide a cost effective outsource solution. Located in Sheffield, the company combines over 50 years of telemarketing experience to offer award-winning services. Specialising in client/staff retention, appointment setting, management and service, Voice Group also has successful sector experience gained from a range of clients in finance, business, telecoms, utilities and publishing.
Tags: appointment setters, appointment setting, Appointment Setting Services, the VOICE Group website