New Career Assessment for Teens Sets Them On the Right Path for College Success
Online, October 6, 2009 (
Have you ever seen the movie "Office Space"? Yes, we all had a good chuckle watching Peter smash the office printer, but let's face it-there's nothing funny about the thought of spending the rest of your life in a dead end job that's a horrible fit for your personality. Slogging through forty hours of work a week just to bring in a paycheck. Yet that's going to be the fate for 2/3 of today's high school graduates.
The Success Company, LLC is stepping in to change that, helping students put their feet on the right path for career success and, ultimately, happiness and fulfillment on the job with their new career assessment.
The career assessment from The Success Company is designed to help high school students identify their true talents and potential and, ultimately, the industries that are the best fit for their personalities.
"Most of today's college students change majors three times and take an average of five years to graduate," says Success Company spokesperson Will Helton. "Fifty percent of the time changing majors means changing colleges."
That amounts to big bucks for mom and dad and discouragement for the student who finds themselves aimlessly swimming in a pool of focused and determined fish. For many, even this change isn't enough to help identify the career that will ultimately bring them the greatest amount of fulfillment. 66% of students are doomed to follow in Peter's footsteps, marking time at a job they hate until they can retire and finally start living their lives.
Using the career assessment tools from The Success Company, students can find the perfect job before they ever graduate high school. This lets them make the right choices when it comes to their college, major and/or vocational training and sets them on the path to career and college success right from the start.
"[After completing the assessment] parents report a boost in students' grades and GPA, self esteem and confidence, motivation, attitude, energy, performance, desire [and] clarity," says Helton.
The assessment, which is available online, is designed to accommodate testing anxiety and ADD/ADHD for optimum results. When students become frustrated or anxious all they have to do is log off and walk away. When they're ready, they can come back and pick up right where they left off.
A consultation with a career counselor at The Success Company is available at absolutely no cost to parents.
"We'll answer all your questions, providing the information and confidence you need to take the most important step towards your child's future-the first step," states Helton. "There's no obligation except your child's bright future."
For more information or to request a free consultation, visit The Success Company on the web at
Tags: career planning, choosing a major, Home career assessment, selecting a major