New Charity Launched To Help Ex-Soldiers

A new charity has been launched that will look to aid ex-soldier adapting to civilian life, the charity is supported by princes William and Harry.

Earlier this week the Forces in Mind Trust was launched, this charity helps ex-military servicemen cope with coming home and living a civilian life again. The Charity is made up of mental health organisations and charities which are collectively backed by Prince William and Prince Harry. The charity received a lottery fund of £35 million in order to get it started and help it really get going from day one.

The most common problem for charities is obtaining the funding that keeps them going. There are many ways in which they obtain this, through donations, sponsored events, and the distribution of charity bags. The charity bag is the primary source of income for charities, because whatever they receive will be sold to make money for their cause. When the cost of these bags starts to rise, then charities lose out on money they should be getting, and this is exactly what is happening now due to the recession.

There are a lot of companies out there that could become a charities' regular charity bags manufacturer, but the cheapest will always be the one that wins out, luckily this also happens to be the best. Bonnington Plastics are market leaders in the donation bag industry because of their superior quality products and cheap prices.

Bonnington Plastics have many advantages that their customers benefit from. They have begun to offer credit terms to customers that require it, which will ease the strain of a charities' cash flow. Bonnington also have a highly experienced manufacturing team that are able to speak with customers directly, this is a huge benefit as it means that there is little chance of miscommunication when it comes to design specifics.

Many charities like the forces in Mind Trust need Bonnington to keep their costs down in order to help them with their work. Not every charity can count on £35 million from the lottery to enhance the service they provide, so they have to rely on the donations of the public. Charities are on the front line of the recession now, taking each day as a new challenge, but hopefully finding the right charity bags manufacturer will help them survive the turbulent economic situation.


Tags: charity bags, Market Leading Charity Bags, Wholesale Charity Bags

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