New Chat Feature Brings Simple, Quick Customer Service Development To DormCo

Online college supplies superstore has launched a new "chat" customer service feature that allows customers to communicate questions to a DormCo through it's easy-to-used message-based chat system.

For any store, customer service is a critical component of the store's functioning. As online dorm supplies superstore continues to grow, it has added more customer-service oriented features, including the a recent "chat" feature that allows customers to be served more quickly and easily than ever before. Customers who have questions now no longer need to call or email, as the chat function provides them a fluid and simple solution.

Proper customer service is the cornerstone of any great store, whether an online store or a walk-in store. Since all can agree that people like things done quickly in today's fast-paced world, customer service, and receiving answers to questions, is no exception. Since DormCo is an online store, a chat function seemed to just make sense. While browsing, customers can simply click the chat function and be connected with a representative right away. While DormCo makes an effort to respond to emails quickly and of course answers calls, the chat function is a the most-modern feeling means of service, the company feels.

With an online store, not every question can be answered on a product page; customers are bound do come up with questions that weren't addressed. The chat feature provides the best means of answering questions quickly. In truth, it does take some effort to locate and dial a phone number and it takes time, even if only a small amount, to send an email. The chat function, however, is near instant. This means more satisfied customers and the ability to more quickly and easily respond to inquisitive people.

Having the ability to quickly and easily communicate with customers also means increased sales. Since the nature of online shopping is very transient and fleeting-it takes only the click of a mouse to quickly visit a different web site-customers are always pulled in different directions. If a potential buyer can't find an answer quick, he may just search elsewhere, resulting in a lost sale. While the chat feature is useful from a customer-service standpoint, it's equally useful and crucial from a business standpoint as well.

Changes and growth are on the rise at, and even seemingly minor changes like adding a cheat feature can produce significant results, DormCo believes. While DormCo typically mentions its new products, focusing on new services is an equally important aspect of maintaining a leading online store. For any questions or inquires, please contact DormCo at 888 925 2899 or by emailing [email protected] Please also feel free to "chat" with a DormCo representative at any time by visiting


Tags: college shopping, dorm life, Dorm Supplies

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