New Children's Novel Inspired From The Chronicles Of The Fairy Whisperer

Magical Ventures of Loli and Lenny is a fantasy series for children and middle grade but with a moral for today's younger generation. A parent's delight and a child's treasure.

When unearthly disasters strike, And defeat lies in every fight...
Neither survival nor hope in sight,
Magic will be that beaconing light!

With global warming, animal poaching, deforestation, exploitation and crimes rising at an alarming rate the future of our planet looks very grim. An organisation that works secretly in the North Pole chooses eight-year-old Loli and her cousin Lenny to be a part of their mission. Mission to help and heal planet earth.

Destined to be the saviours of our soon to be new age earth, Loli and Lenny's only weapon against the deadly hazards is magic! And they must learn the craft very fast to save one of the most precious but endangered animals on this planet. From Ipads, tennis and school assignments to wands, cauldrons and powerful spells, their lives change forever.

Packed with adventure and mystery the fantasy series "Magical Ventures of Loli and Lenny," will keep the young readers hooked as they follow the two young protagonists on their magical missions for planet earth. The first volume "Trumpets in the Wild," exposes them to the dangers of the interior most jungles of Africa to encounters with enchanted mystical beings.

Besides being a magical thriller to pique the interest of any young reader, the novel is also a rich resource of information be it about the environment, science or general knowledge. It also speaks about profound friendships, courage, love, sacrifice and loyalty in times of adversity. Just the right book for the children of today!

Fantasy author Pratibha R DH believes that she has had this connection with the fairies right from the tender age of seven. The fairies in her world loved telling her stories about the fairy cosmos and their acquaintances - the dragons, unicorns, witches and the wizards. Her parents and siblings refused to believe her, so she promised the fairies that she would publish their stories one day and the world would know about them.

In course of time, to get respite from the endless goading from her parents and her teachers about how she must stop day dreaming, she enclosed all her stories in a sealed file. And then studied with a vengeance to pursue a master's degree in Economics, a diploma in Computer Networking coupled with certifications from Cisco and Microsoft (MCSE, CCNA). Life became busy what with her job as a Content Specialist, when the bond with the fairies was revived again and she was reminded of her promise. From then onwards, her life was one balancing act with the major part of her work in the day consisting of content writing for websites, SEO copywriting, article writing, blogging and web designing, whereas by night she recommenced her childhood promise of writing about the fairy realm.

Some say that her novel "Magical Ventures of Loli and Lenny," is roughly inspired by the real life accounts of the fairies. Rumour also has it that except for her two little boys, no one from her kin knows about this secret pact with the fairies. Not even her husband!

The website: lolilenny dot com

ISBN 978-81-925928-0-0


Tags: books, Children, Fantasy, middlegrade, novel

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