New Concepts in Prospecting

You either have a business you want to share, or you're looking for a new opportunity. Either way, you must find a system that is simple, easy and has a proven track record. No need to buck the system, just find a system that works for you.

Have you ever wondered the secrets to how top recruiters seem to sponsor so many people into their company almost effortlessly?

Do you have trouble talking to prospects on the phone, or avoid making those phone calls all together?
Do you have an "I can't" attitude rather than "I Can"
Do you want to change that?
If the answer is yes, read on...

You see my friend Mike Dillard, network marketing expert, recently sat down to interview one of the industries top recruiters, Mark Wieser, on how he is able to personally sponsor as many as 25 reps per month and over 254 reps in one single year.

This interview was video taped and Mike decided that instead of charging hundreds of dollars for this information that he would give it away for free.

If you would like to get your hands on this video and learn how you can become a "Black Belt Recruiter", and over come your issues with talking to prospects on the phone.

Click here to get your hands on this free video...

Sponsoring people will never be the same. Enjoy the free trainings.
Kathryn Arnold

The number one thing Americans said they would do if they won the lottery was travel. I show people like you and families like yours how to take 1, 2 or even 3 vacations a year at prices you never thought possible. Meet me on the beaches of the world.



Tags: Prospecting, recruiting, System

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Kathryn Arnold
Press Contact, Travela2z
1445 Tamarind Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90028