New Crowd Funding Platform Launched
East Aurora, NY, April 28, 2016 ( - New Crowd Funding Platform Launched
Be part of something big. Made up of many things small.
What if you could get 100,000 people to give you a dollar?
Chuck Roberts, CEO
It’s a simple idea really, a people-helping-people-crowd-funding concept that will make a difference and show the good in people. This is a just launched platform and it’s ready to make a difference.
But help is needed. It needs to develop a following.
Life happens. And life makes people, or can break people. Sometimes all life needs is a little help. That’s what is all about. The site is looking to go viral with this promise – that just a dollar from a lot of people can make the difference to those truly in need.
True story – a few years ago a mother wanted to show her children how powerful a dollar is. In this world of “I want that now” and “Mine needs to be the best,” she wanted to take her young sons back to the basics. So off she sent them around their neighborhood to ask neighbors to donate just one dollar to feed the local hungry. The neighbors protested and wanted to give more, but the guidelines were simple – all the boys were asking for was one dollar (yes, low and behold they found more than a few five dollar bills in their basket at the end of their journey). They took what was collected from the homes just around their immediate neighborhood, and after shopping, found that they fed a family of four for an entire week! Amazing! No one missed their dollars – and yet the family that received certainly would have missed the donation!
This is the example is following. But on a social-media-let’s-go-viral-global kind of manner.
So come and visit and be a part of something big made up of many things small!
Tags: crowd funding, fundraising, people-helping-people