New Dale Carnegie Public Speaking Course Helps with Office Meetings
Online, April 10, 2011 ( - I feel like my career is going nowhere, because I have a huge fear of public speaking. Every time I am asked to give a presentation, I turn down the opportunity. I am not even sure if our head boss even knows I exist, because I can not seem to get myself to speak in meetings. I decided it is time to find some getting rid of fear of public speaking courses to help me through this difficult phase. I found the Dale Carnegie Training Courses web site, and found that they have a course called Getting Rid of the Fear and Horror of Public Speaking. I decided to give this course a try.
What was great about this getting rid of fear of public speaking course was how short the course was, how it helped me to think on my feet, and how it taught me techniques to help me relax. The course is only two days long, so that was very helpful for my busy schedule. I did not want to be taking a course for weeks. This course showed me how to replace my memorization with knowledge, so I would know exactly what I was talking about even if I lost my place. I really love the relaxing techniques it taught. I can use them when I am stressed, or when I just need to relax my body.
What could have been better about this getting rid of fear of public speaking course was the long hours it had, the way it did not offer tips for giving a presentation, and the fact that it teaches that the first two minutes are the hardest part of the presentation. Even though the course was only two days long, it was all day both days. I had a hard time focusing for that long of a period of time. I wanted more tips for giving a great presentation, but they only offered help with the fear of public speaking. I do not know how to give a good presentation, because I have always been too afraid to try. I needed some starter tips. This course says the first two minutes of a presentation are the hardest, and after that it is not so scary. This is not true. I can survive the first two minutes, but the first ten minutes are hard for me.
This course is helping me get over my fear of public speaking. I think it was better than any other getting rid of fear of public speaking course I could find, but I am still a little afraid of speaking in my office meetings. I would recommend someone who really wants to get rid of their fear of public speaking to take this course, because it has helped me.
The reader may also be interested in the motivational public speaking course by Richard Andrews.
Tags: Dale Carnegie, Fear of public speaking, online public speaking course, public speaking, public speaking courses