New Deal of the Day Site Takes Online Daily Deals World by Storm

The internet is currently awash in various deal-a-day type sites, aims to provide a fresh approach to bargain sites, while still maintaining confidence that they can offer competitively low pricing on a variety of products.

The world of online shopping and virtual bargain hunting will be gaining its newest member with the launch of the brand new, the latest and greatest site to daily offer special deals on exciting and unique products. While the internet is currently awash in various deal-a-day type sites, aims to provide a fresh approach to bargain sites, while still maintaining confidence that they can offer competitively low pricing on a variety of products. Their sleek, newly designed and easily navigable website helps give Deal Switch a polished and pristine appearance, making for a more enjoyable time exploring their take on Deal of the Day shopping.

The original approach that Deal Switch is taking involves having the standard Daily Deal, typically marked down at least 80-90% below market value, as well as several related Side Deals, which are also sold for well under retail value and can be purchased simultaneously with the Daily Deal. And while deals will still run on the traditional 24-hour cycle, unlike other daily deal sites, Deal Switch provides consumers who may not be excited about that day's product with various alternatives. Most notable of these is their revolutionary online store, unheard of from most other deal-a-day sites, where customers can review and purchase past deals the same way they would from a typical online retail shop.

The genesis of Deal Switch came from what Deal Switch Representative John Hamilton described as, "A dissatisfaction with the design, implementation, selection and general philosophy behind other deal-of-the-day sites." Added Hamilton, "We want people to have fun and enjoy browsing through our selection of varied, useful, and occasionally off-the-wall type products, but also to get excited about coming back every day and seeing what amazing new product we have as the Daily Deal special."

Their goals may be ambitious, but believes that this new approach to online bargain shopping will help them to take the deal-a-day world by storm. Hamilton adds, "We are confident that people are going to love shopping with us, and we will work hard every day to bring them the best deals and provided great customer service at all times." For more information, visit Deal Switch online at


Tags: daily, deals, online


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