New Directory of Phone Numbers
Online, April 23, 2010 ( - With this free reverse lookup directory service at, it has now become very easy to find out if the unknown number that call is coming from belongs to an annoying prank caller, an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, a collection agency, a telemarketer, or someone else. Sometimes, people get a call from a number that they do not recognize. They keep wondering who their new caller is, especially when the caller tries to hide his identity when the phone call is received. Likewise, sometimes when people are on "roaming", they hesitate to pick a call from a new number in an attempt to avoid the high charges. The DOPN service can prove to be a wonderful tool to search the name, address, and other details of the person to whom the unknown number belongs.
This reverse lookup directory has an exclusive database of phone numbers and area codes across Canada and the United States of America. The users can search by phone numbers, area codes, names, or even places. The directory has listed state wise area codes. So, the users do not have to work hard to find the right area code. This is an excellent feature, especially when a user is trying to find out the phone number of an old friend. For example, if a user knows that an old acquaintance lives in Arizona, but does not know where exactly he lives, the "search by name and place" feature can prove to be a great help. If search by name does not work, the user can do a detail search by clicking on each area code in Arizona (there are five area codes in Arizona) listed in the reverse phone lookup directory.
The best thing about the DOPN reverse lookup directory is that it is very easy to use. One can find out the details they are looking for with just a few clicks of the mouse. For example, if a user is trying to get details about the holder of an unknown number, he has to just enter the 10-digit number in the relevant box and hit the search button. The directory searches in its extensive database and then provides the details of the number in question on the same page that include name, address, city, number type, and account history of the holder of that number.
The also allows the users to leave a comment on a specific number. For example, if a person is getting prank calls from a specific phone number, he can locate that number in this reverse lookup directory and leave a comment that this number gives prank calls in the middle of the night. This information can be very helpful for others.
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Tags: 212, 650, 952, directory of phone numbers, Mobile, people, phone, reverse lookup, reverse phone lookup, search