New Establishment Crowned - Best Restaurant in Chester

Chester has been known for having some of the best fine dining restaurants in the United Kingdom, and probably the world. So being crowned one of the top restaurants in Chester is no laughing matter.

This year, a new restaurant rejoices as they are crowned the Best Restaurant in Chester. If you have ever been to the quaint little town of Chester, you will know that they are famous for a few things- their food, the River Dee, the walls, and the Chester Zoo. However, very few people know that there has been a boiling rivalry amongst Chester's restaurants for years. Residents know that this rivalry is as much a part of the rich history of Chester as any of the sites that Chester has to offer.

Chester has been known for having some of the best fine dining restaurants in the United Kingdom, and probably the world. So being crowned one of the top restaurants in Chester is no laughing matter. Each year, critics from newspapers, magazines, and websites like rev up to see who they feel should be awarded this coveted title. When judging, critics usually look at overall food preparation, customer service, restaurant atmosphere and flavor. Each publication has their own idea of the best, and in any given year a restaurant can stack up two, three or even more of the coveted titles from different publications.

Restaurant owners love it too. "We look forward to it every year", says one restaurant owner. "It really keeps us on our toes". Another restaurant owner says they love to see how they did against other restaurant in the Chester area. "If we don't get the crown that year for best restaurant, we don't mind too much. But if we don't get in the top ten, we know we've got some serious improvements we need to make."

While there is definitely an air of fun surrounding the rivalry, restaurants in Chester take the whole thing very seriously. On top of bragging rights, there is much more at stake for these establishments. With an estimated 8.5 million tourists coming through Chester every year, the restaurants count on these beaming reviews for their reputation and their livelihood. Winners get to stack their walls with five star reviews which gains them credibility and customers. Not to mention, those who win get free publicity in some of the top magazines, websites, and newspapers in the country.

Some would even argue that these rivalries are what keep the restaurants delivering such great food. One customer states, "I think the rivalry is good for Chester, because the restaurants seem to stay good here." Lucky for us, it doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon.

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Tags: best restaurant in chester, Chester, restaurant


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