New Fun IPhone Camera App Gets Rave Reviews Before Review Sites See It

ThinkBooth, the fun iPhone Camera App gets five star reviews in the Apple App Store and it hasn't even been looked at by review sites.

Greg Ellis, owner of Ellis Apps announced today that his company's hilariously fun new iPhone camera app, ThinkBooth has hit the market with great reviews even before his app has been reviewed by the Internets application review sites.

Greg's app is ThinkBooth. ThinkBooth, although being an iPhone camera app, is listed in the entertainment catagory of the iTunes store. ThinkBooth is an entertaining iPhone camera application that is similar to FatBooth in that it alters a photo captured on camera to make it appear comical or provocative.

"This one seemed to slip through the cracks." said marketing consultant Lynn Smith from Applied App Marketing , an iPhone and Android App Marketing Firm.

"This iPhone camera app puts a thought cloud above the subjects' head, and then intuitively prints a text of the subjects' thoughts. It's like a camera mind reader." she laughed.

With the overwhelming amount of apps being submitted to App Stores and App Review Sites you would have to hire your own research team to come up with them. Review sites get so many submissions they tell you up front they might not get a chance to look at a developer's app. That's because they have so many paying them for the reviews.

Every once in awhile a really good app slips by the review sites and gets picked up by users and out of the many, many people that use and enjoy an app only a small percentage will take time to review log in and write a review. That seems to be what happened here.

What's really cool is this app lets you add your own text and funny lines. You can have a great time making up captions for pictures you take of your friends.

Even more, as you would expect, the app carries the convenience of connecting and sharing with Facebook and other social media.

Take note, when an app shows up rated in the app store and it's not even listed on major review sites then somebody may be missing something. It may be you missing out on a good app because it's gotten lost in the shuffle.

Try ThinkBooth, it's available in the iTunes store and for sure it will bring many smiles to you and your friends.


Tags: iPhone Camera App Entertainment, new fun iPhone app, new iPhone Camera App

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