New in ParaMagic 16.6 SP1 - Solving Parametrics with OpenModelica

ParaMagic™ plugin makes MagicDraw SysML models come alive! Using the values and constraint relationships displayed in SysML parametric diagrams, model-builders can run simulations and trade studies for complex systems from concept through final tes

ParaMagic™ plugin makes MagicDraw SysML models come alive! Using the values and constraint relationships displayed in SysML parametric diagrams, model-builders can run simulations and trade studies for complex systems from concept through final test. Mathematica® or OpenModelica® provide basic equation solving. Links between SysML and Excel® make it easy to import and export data, create reports and generate graphs and charts. Existing models in tools like MATLAB®, Simulink®, and Mathematica® can be incorporated in the simulation.
Engineers and analysts used to working on individual spreadsheets now have a collaborative tool to synchronize their efforts using the best model-based systems engineering practices. In traditional domains of system engineering like aerospace and transportation, users can explore system performance, check requirements, estimate cost and allocate resources. Developers leveraging MagicDraw's UPDM and business modeling capabilities can add parametric simulation using SysML sub-models for defense planning, business process analysis and computational finance.
Now users can run their models with a free open source calculation engine, OpenModelica, as an alternative to Mathematica. Available from the ParaMagic™ download site, OpenModelica for Windows or Mac OS provides the same capabilities for equation solving, trade studies, requirements checking and Excel import/export as Mathematica. Integrating MATLAB/Simulink models will still require the use of Mathematica as the core solver.
Other improved features in 16.6 SP1 include faster execution and faster import/export from Excel, better support for recursive structures and strings, and more formatting control for results display.
You can easily Download ParaMagic 16.6 SP1 plugin at


Tags: Best UPDM tool, BPMN, BPMN 2.0, Cameo DataHub, Cameo eCompliance, Distributed OO Software, enterprise architecture modeling, UML Component Model

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