New In Vitro Laboratories Setup

Experience of Fertility specialists, Fertility embryologists and scientists the key factors to be kept in mind while setting up a state-of-the-art IVF lab.

Worldwide we are witnessing an alarming increase in infertility but on the optimistic side remain the fact that more and more infertile couples are breaking the shackles of this so far tabooed issue and are opting for IVF treatment.Today Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) which encompass various procedures ranging from relatively simple Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI), IVF, ICSI, IMSI, Cryo Preservation and Vitrification,to help infertile couples have a baby.

IVF laboratory play an important role in the success of any IVF program.The role of the state of art IVF laboratory very vital in order to more effectively help infertile patients in their quest to have a healthy baby.

IVF Lab forms an integral part of the fertility clinic. IVF Lab provides a wide variety of services to the fertility clinic and its patients. In today's time fertility clinic without an ivf lab is unimaginable. Since the birth of the first in vitro fertilization (IVF) or 'test tube' baby in 1978, the field of IVF has been transformed with several technological discoveries and has made the dreams of many infertile couples come true of conceiving their own baby.

The embryology laboratory, where embryos are produced, grown and nourished during an IVF cycle, is one of the key components of a fertility center. While patients don't necessarily know what happens behind the scenes during an IVF cycle or how their embryos are produced, having a state-of-the-art embryology laboratory is what separates an average from an excellent fertility center.

The embryology laboratory, is a place where embryos are produced, grown and nourished during an IVF cycle and is one of the key components of a fertility center. While patients don't necessarily know what happens behind the scenes during an IVF cycle or how their embryos are produced, having a state-of-the-art embryology laboratory is what separates an average ivf center from an excellent ivf fertility center. In vitro fertilisation treatment takes place in a container in a laboratory. In short the IVF laboratory is the place where the eggs, sperm and embryos are handled and IVF is performed. It is an extremely important part of the IVF process.

The question arises is why is an IVF Laboratory needed or it is important for any fertility center?

State of the ART IVF Laboratory
The IVF laboratory contains the newest and most advanced equipment for the production of healthy embryos. Incubators are capable of producing a reduced oxygen environment for culturing embryos to the blastocyst stage. Additional laboratory techniques may be performed including extended culturing to the blastocyst stage, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection - ICSI, assisted hatching, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), and embryo cryopreservation.

Customised Video Processing
All modern equipments comes with all provision of image processing which is very well utilized by Combination of hardware camera selection and software selection. Multiple Camera inputs can be synthesised in one system to have better recording and processing.

Air Quality evaluation and improvement
The environment where the embryos grow is of paramount importance. It has been shown that the air of the laboratory itself can alter the quality of the embryos produced. Embryos are sensitive to microbes, particles and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the air. IVF Lab is equipped with most advanced HVAC (heating ventilation and air conditioning) systems to overcome this problem. This system can supply constant temperature and controlled humidity despite climate and seasonal variation to provide a stable environment in order to achieve the maximum performance of all the delicate laboratory equipment. IVF Lab evaluates Air quality on existing Lab and recommend appropriate steps to improve the same. It varies from HVAC inspection to microbial air sampling.

Clean Room Laboratory Isolation
The laboratory is also isolated from the outside environment by having tightly sealed walls, ceilings, light fixtures utility connections and airtight doors making it 'impermeable' to contaminant agents, microbes and airborne toxins from leaking in. The embryology laboratory is held pressurized above the adjacent procedure rooms so that air moves from the embryology lab to the procedure room and out. This would prevent any contaminant or toxin in the air from coming into the lab through the doors. Laboratories that are poorly designed can lead to decreased pregnancy rates due to embryo toxic materials in the air. Failure to isolate the sensitive and delicate embryo from these materials can lead to increase stress on the developing embryo resulting in decreased pregnancy rates.

Embryology Services
IVF Lab provides assistance in providing complete embryology services from Ovum Pick-up to embryo transfer. Qualified and experienced team of clinicians and embryologists carry out these services.

Hence it is advisable for fertility clinic to have their own IVF lab or embryology laboratory. The fertility clinic should design the embryology laboratory with one aim of helping their patients to provide the best services and to take home their baby. Setting up of new laboratory requires contacting designers, architects, sellers, resellers, vendors, suppliers, agents, distributors to initiate slow, long and laborious process of discussing dates and negotiating rates. This, you will agree, will further eat into your most precious commodity "Time".

There the need arises of a professional person like Shivani Scientific Industries (P) Ltd. They have vast experience of more than 20 years of designing and building pharmaceutical Laboratories as per WHO-GMP norms with stringent requirement of sterility. The same experience has helped them to fulfill the demanding needs of to-days IVF Labs.They offer State of the Art computer modeling to visualize your Lab either in 3D or 3D walk through, even before your lab is ready.

They offer comprehensive hands on training to you in vitro lab Staff.They also undertake Annual Maintenance Contracts for IVF Labs with the support of its highly qualified team of Engineers.They also cater to calibration contracts with our highly accurate calibration equipments.

To design, built and setting up IVF Lab, complete world class IVF center or IUI lab is important turnkey project and you need an expert to take care of it. You need Specialist of IVF lab design like Shivani Scientific Industries.

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Shivani Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd.


Tags: ART IVF Laboratory, CO2 incubators, HEPA Filter

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Shivani Scientific Industries (P) Ltd. is highly focused company on Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Bio-Medical equipment's with proven track record of over 42 years.

Ashish Modi
Ashish Modi
Press Contact, Shivani Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Shivani Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd.
26 A, Raju Industrial Estate, Near Dahisar Checknaka, Mira-401 104. Mumbai, India
91 22 2896 1768, Maharashtra 401104