New IPad App, Scramble Twist HD By I-Life Mobitech Is Now Available On Appstore
Online, September 10, 2012 ( - Scramble Twist is fun and challenging puzzle game released for iPad is available for download on Apple App Store. It is an ideal app for toddlers and adults alike to develop their logical thinking skills. It is an amazing way to keep everyone engaged for a long time.
The game objective is straightforward. All you got to do is place the jumbled numbers and shapes in an order. Though the logic looks simple, it will surely make your time fly.
3 Game Levels - Beginners, Intermediate, Expert
Jumbled set of numbers and shapes placed in 3 X 3, 4 X 4 and 5 X 5 grid
No Time Limit
Score depends on the number of moves
Place the numbers in ascending order (1-8, 1-15 & 1-24)
Have a great time solving this brain teasing puzzle game!!!
About The Developer :
i-Lifemobitech's MD, Mr. Anil Reddy has to say that, "We are conscious that the extraordinary rate at which games turn up on the Apple App Store is really amazing, we feel happy that our App is one among those application in App Store. "Scramble Twist HD"" for iPad is a fun game developed for the purpose of entertainment amongst all age groups. Enjoy playing on your iPad".
i-Lifemobitech is a leading software development company focusing on developing and delivering the best and the most incredible iPhone and iPad applications. We are primarily focusing on developing applications for categories like Games, Utilities, Navigation, Education and Music for iPhone and iPad. i-Lifemobitech is a well established software development company head- quartered in Bangalore City. We provide tailored solutions & services for devising applications for the most popular device of today's age, the iPhone & iPad. Defying all limitations to excellence, we go beyond merely developing customized iPhone and iPad applications.
Tags: appstore, game, iPad, ipad game, iPhone, iphone game, itunes, Scramble Twist