New Key Elements to Understand the Dynamics of the Universe Confirmed
Online, July 12, 2013 ( - The specialized magazine World Journal of Mechanics (WJM), of the Scientific Research group, has published in its latest volume, 3-3. 2013, the article "New Evidence on Rotational Dynamics", available through, and written by the Spanish investigator Luis Alberto Perez Perez. In the article, it is argued that the proposal of Doctor Gabriel Barceló Rico-Avello regarding the dynamics of bodies in rotation, published in the same magazine the year before, has been confirmed by new experimental tests he designed.
Less than a year ago, the magazine WJM published the article "Analysis of Dynamics Fields in Noninertial Systems" (volume May, 2-2. 2012), also by the author Doctor Barceló, which included a direct entry to the video available at:, "New Dynamic Hypotheses". This video showed the experimental tests carried out by Advanced Dynamics S. A. to proof and justify the Theory of Dynamic Interactions.
In a new video presented by the investigator Luis Alberto Perez, which can be viewed in the article or through this internet site:,sen new experimental tests are shown which, again, confirm the proposed dynamic theory. The author says: "I read the referred article with some scepticism... However, the subject was so interesting to me that I designed own experimental tests with the purpose of achieving a clearer cut inertial mobile. ." And he adds at the end of the video: "...The new dynamic hypotheses, proposed by professor Gabriel Barceló, are thus empirically demonstrated..."
During the last twenty years Gabriel Barceló Rico-Avello has realized a private and independent project regarding Rotational Dynamics. The result of the project has been the conception of an innovative dynamics theory, specifically applicable to non inertial rigid systems in rotation, and which allow numerous and significant scientific and technological applications. The Theory of Dynamic Interactions was presented by its author Gabriel Barceló for the first time during different presentations of the XXX Biennale of Physics which took place in Orense (Spain) in 2005. It was later argumented, described and developed in two texts published by the editorial Marcombo: El Vuelo del Bumerán (2005), and Un Mundo en Rotación (2008).
The Theory of Dynamic Interactions generalizes the inertial concepts and phenomena, including them in a unified structure of a new rotational dynamics of fields for non inertial systems. It has been described in scientific articles and presentations in international congresses. The theory allows multiple innovative hypotheses, such as the analysis of the behaviour of hurricanes or the study of the internal tensions in mobile bodies, or the conversion of rotational kinetic energy to translational kinetic energy, or viceversa, which leads us to the concept of the dynamic lever. We can conceive a dynamic lever with technological applications and practical effects. Such a dynamic lever would permit the design of mechanisms where the result of its action would be obtained without energy consumption and therefore the applied energy would be recovered. The theory allows its application in the steering of mobiles in space, such as airplanes or submarines. In this case, the steering devices would be of very simple design and use. The technological development of this theory permits many applications, in defense, astronautics or energy, e.g. in the confinement systems of fusion reactors.
This theory can be consulted at Of special interest are the presentations at the 61ST International Astronautical Congress. Prague, September 2010 (On the equivalence principle.) and at the International Conference on Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology: DEMSET 2011. Orlando, Florida, USA. A more complete informatIon regarding the Theory of Dynamic Interactions can be obtained at:
Also noteworthy is the treatise recently published by Doctor Barceló in two volumes: Imago Universi: A story of human conception of the cosmos. (Editor Arpegio. Barcelona, 2013) which describes in a fascinating way the human thirst and passion for the knowledge of the universe. In its last chapter the application of the Theory of Dynamic Interactions to astrophysics and specifically to the dynamic of stellar systems and galaxies is included. This passionate work of scientific promotion also includes important personal and innovative contributions to the history of science. The treatise has its own page:
Tags: barcelo, physics, science, Tdi