New Learning Materials Released By Christian Learning Products Developer Eikon Bible Art
Online, October 30, 2010 ( - In addition to the "Big Red" Holy Bible, for the month of October, Eikon Bible Art has come up with new titles for their collection of educational Christian material. "Pharisee and Publican" includes six colorful PowerPoint slides, together with an Activity Pack available in PDF format which may be printed out. This activity pack serves as a teaching aid, providing descriptions of the Powerpoint slides, important lessons to be gleaned from the presentation, a coloring page, and even a page full of puzzles for little kids.
Another compilation by Eikon Bible Art entitled "Sadducees and Resurrection" also depicts six scenes in a PowerPoint presentation. It describes how Jesus spoke to the Sadducees regarding Resurrection. The presentation concludes with an important message of how God is the God of the living and not the dead. This compilation also comes with an educational Activity Pack, again in PDF format.
"Water Into Wine" discusses how Jesus miraculously turned water into wine in the village of Cana. This is a popular story because it tells the story of Jesus' first miracle. This compilation by Eikon Bible Art comes with an Activity Pack that accompanies the PowerPoint presentation.
A timely lesson is to be learned from "Careless Judge," which teaches how prayer is a strong tool, not only in communicating with God, but also in showing one's faith in Him. In this narrative, Jesus tells the parable about a judge who initially did not heed a woman's pleas for help. Eventually, the judge did lend a hand and the poor woman got her prayers answered.
A more somber story from Eikon Bible Art is portrayed in "Temple Will Be Destroyed" where Jesus informs his followers that the Temple will one day be brought down. Important lesson points in this compilation indicate that difficulties are to be expected from life, and that it is during those times that his followers should have even more faith in God to get through such hardships. This compilation includes six scenes in PowerPoint format and an accompanying Activity Pack.
Eikon Bible Art is also putting "Big Red" Holy Bible on sale, from GBP 11.99 to a more affordable GBP 9.99 (2.00 off). This is a complete text of the International Children's Bible translation and provides new and contemporary pictures from Eikon Bible Art, meant for kids from ages six to twelve years old. It is so called because of its bright red cover and is now available in full-color and a big, children-friendly font. With the "Big Red" Holy Bible, children will find it more enjoyable and much easier to learn about Christian stories. And with Eikon Bible Art slashing GBP 2.00 from the original price, this bible meant for children is a must-buy.
All the above compilations are conveniently available for download after purchase. "Before Eikon Bible Art even starts work on a new instructional product, we meticulously go over our assumptions to ensure that our designs will result in an end product that will captivate our audience, and enable instructors to deliver Sunday School Lessons in an effective manner," explains Alan Lockhart, of Eikon Bible Art. "Bible Stories For Children, when crafted properly and delivered in an engaging manner, is an indispensable tool for Christian instructors."
Eikon Bible Art provides high quality and fundamentally sound Sunday school lessons for teachers and youth leaders who are engaged in preparing and presenting Bible lessons for children.
Alan Lockhart
(email) [email protected]
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Tags: Bible, Bible stories for children, Sunday school lessons