New legislation HR 3962 to help the outsourcing industry
The HR 3962 (Affordable Health Care for America Act) is set to benefit the Outsourcing industry
Online, November 13, 2009 ( - President Barack Obama had a hard won victory on Saturday night (the 7-8th day of November 2009) when the landmark health care reform legislation (HR 3962) was passed with 220-215 votes. Now if everything goes the Obama way, then by the end of the year '09 "Affordable Health Care for America Act" would apply as a law impacting almost fifty million US lives.
But what does this Act actually imply? How does it stand to impact an average US life? How does the Act affect the outsourcing industry at large? Through the article below an endeavour is made to answer these and many more questions.
some Arguments regarding Constitutionality of HR 3962 is also addressed
Refer the link below to read the complete article:-
The object clause to the Act states that it is meant to provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending.
In reality, the act is a victim of haste. Ideally if the intention of the Obama administration and the object clause of the Act were actually in-sync then they should have awaited a confirmed indication of the end-of-recession.
Tags: HR 3962, Obama health care legislation, outsourcing