New Life Programs by Announces Jail Diversion Programs Nationwide
Online, April 21, 2011 (
Now Available to Court Systems and Criminal Defense Attorneys Nationwide,'s New Life Programs Jail Diversion Programs are a success in communities throughout the Nation.
(IPP. Incarceration Prevention Program) options are now available to Court Systems, Attorneys and Defendants Nationwide. New Life Programs Jail Diversion Options are favored by DA Offices, Probation/Parole Offices and Prosecuting Attorney Offices due to the high success rate and decreased recidivism rates. This option helps save defendants jail time while ultimately making positive changes in their life.
When a Client is Arrested: Adult or Juvenile: for any Substance Abuse Charge, DUI, Theft, Domestic Violence, Probation/Parole Violations, or any other charge, they can have an option through an approved plea agreement of a diversion program that is used by court systems in 48 States, by the US Army and by many schools and colleges:
New Life Programs: "PRIME FOR LIFE COURSE" (PRI)
Prime for Life is taught as a "one on one" Life Skills Course where the Coach/Instructor works with the client DAILY for a total of 70 hours to 100 hours depending on the plea agreement. The Life Skills or Sober Coach will travel to the client's location; work with the client in their environment on Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence, Life Skills or any other problem that they face. Drug Tests are given throughout the program. The client is guided through an intense outpatient course that focuses on changing negative thoughts and behaviors as well as complete life restructuring. Help with finding employment or rebuilding trust and relationships are also worked through if needed. Prime for Life is backed by over 1500 science based research studies and has proven to decrease recidivism rates by those courts that use this program.
After the program is successfully completed, the coach will write a detailed report and evaluation of the client that can be presented to the court along with the drug test results showing the positive changes that have taken place. A court appearance where the Life Skills Coach testifies on the clients' behalf can also be arranged.
The attorney's only responsibility is negotiating the plea agreement. Most Courts, DA's and Probation/Parole Offices prefer this option as a diversion program due to budget cuts and the cost to incarcerate. This Program works well for Clients who have a support System that is willing to pay the fee or who can pay the fee on their own. Most Clients prefer this option compared to a lock down Drug Rehab or Jail. 80% of the time the 70 hour program will be acceptable to the court. If the 70 hour course is not accepted we also offer a more intense 100 hour or even a 200 hour course.
70 hour program: $1500. Price includes all drug tests and evaluation reports.
100 hour program: $1975. Price includes all drug tests and evaluation reports.
After the plea agreement has been approved, New Life's Lifeskills Coach can attend the sentencing hearing or appropriate court date to meet with the client and start the program on that date if requested. Payments are made upon the first meeting or on court date. Credit Cards, Cash or Personal Checks are accepted. Payment arrangements can be made with 50% down and full payment to be made before completing the course.
If you are interested in Jail Diversion Program in your community, please contact @ 801-613-0093
Tags: criminal defense, drug arrest, Jail Diversion