New Life Solutions Supports FL's Late-Term Abortion Ban

As the only state in the Southeast to allow abortions until 24 weeks, Florida has been deemed a destination state for late-term abortions. However, a legislative bill (HB 5/SB 146) filed earlier this year by Sen. Kelli Stargel and Rep. Erin Grall would ban most abortions in Florida after 15 weeks. The measures are similar to a Mississippi law currently under challenge before the U.S. Supreme Court. This legislation would be the most robust protection for the unborn in Florida's post ruling of Roe vs Wade history if enacted.

New Life Solutions operates four strategically located women's health clinics around the Tampa Bay area and supports HB 5/SB 146. Charles DiMarco, CEO of New Life Solutions, explains, "This bill will do more than reduce fetal and infant mortality. It also protects a pregnant woman's health from the increased risk of physical, mental, and emotional harm that comes with late-term abortions. HB 5/SB 146 promotes the wellbeing of women and creates greater accountability and higher standards for abortion clinics, especially for chemical abortion, which currently represents 56% of all abortions in Florida."

The Florida Senate has passed the bill onto the governor to sign the measure into law

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Based in Tampa Bay, FL, New Life Solutions is a recognized national leader in effectively advancing the pro-life movement, with outreach providers that serve women, men, teens, and families by meeting physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Our women's health clinics have served and empowered thousands of women to make informed decisions about their health and future. Our expert staff and volunteers understand the situations and questions many women face regarding their reproductive health and are prepared to provide support needed to empower them throughout pregnancy and beyond.

If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy, please visit for more information and to make an appointment online.

If you or someone you know is silently grieving a previous abortion or the pain of a sexual trauma, please visit for help.

Source: New Life Solutions


Tags: abortion, abortionbill, florida