New Light on Old Myths

Copenhagen, May 20, 2015 ( - The Seed of Yggdrasill deciphers the riddles of metaphor to reveal central themes of goddess worship, witchcraft, and heroes on vision quests. By translating the names within the Old Norse myths, Kvilhaug presents a powerful argument which some have declared as strongly feminist; a viewpoint that will prove a stunning revelation for some, and rather controversial for others.
Spokesperson for Whyte Tracks, Annemarie Skjold Jensen says, “This is ground-breaking research that will be of great value for years to come.”
". . . a controversial and insightful exploration of Norse myths from a pantheistic perspective. . . a valuable work for the student of mythology, and essential for those who would revive the Norse traditions."
- Richard Rudgley, BBC review
She adds, “Kvilhaug’s insights open up the poems to reveal a whole new world where The tree of life, the red-gold of wisdom and the goddess of death and renewal are central to a forgotten way of life. She describes a lost Golden Age of travel, of free trade and inter-exchange of cultures.”
Whyte Tracks is confident that THE SEED OF YGGDRASILL will revolutionize the way in which the Sagas are approached by academics, story-tellers, and religious leaders alike. This unique approach to the metaphors in the Norse poems will cause much debate amongst modern new-age Odinists and today’s followers of the surviving Scandinavian faith, Asatru.
Controversy aside, the publisher predicts this book will help rebuild an understanding of the pagan past of the Northern peoples. It may even restore a rationalized familiarity with their Northern god(s) and goddess(es).
Kvilhaug herself says:
“ . When it comes to Old Norse myths, I have access to the primary sources in their original language, allowing me to make proper research in the strictest sense, and to draw my own conclusions. I suspect that this is why my approach to the myths has attracted such considerable attention.”
Her exhaustive research is presented in a friendly style that makes THE SEED OF YGGDRASILL entertaining for the non-academic, as well as providing inspiration for the qualified anthropologist or religious theorist.
The long awaited HERITAGE edition of "The Seed of Yggdrasill-deciphering the hidden messages in Old Norse Myths” is available June 1, 2015 and will retail at £59.95. Pre-sale orders can be made at the best bookshops and via the publisher: [email protected]
Maria Kvilhaug was born in Norway and graduated from the University of Oslo 2004 with a degree in Old Norse Philology. Previously she studied World History and Philosophy (Norway) and graduated BA, 2000 (UK). She frequently lectures and has written several articles on the subject of Old Norse mythology, many of which have been published on her YouTube-channel, where she has a rapidly growing fan club.
Whyte Tracks is an English Publisher established in Denmark with distribution partners in the UK. The company philosophy is to bring the tales of cultural heritage to life in a vibrant and accessible way.
Tags: Asatro, Books, Mythology, Norse Poems, Northern gods, Old Norse Myths, pagan ritual