New Line of Water Filters from Filtered Water Solutions

Australia's leading water technology company Filtered Water Solutions has recently announced to launch a new generation of water filters in 2012.

Australia's leading water technology company Filtered Water Solutions has recently announced to launch a new generation of water filters in 2012. Filtered Water Solutions can provide you with a wide range of water filtration systems that not only filters tap water, but also mineralises it.

"When my kids drank water from the tap, they used to get sick. We used to boil the water before during winter season. Once we got the water filter there wasn't any boiling and it saved our more time. Thanks to Filtered Water Solutions!" - says Ashley, NSW

It has become very difficult to get pure drinking water. Impure and polluted water can make a person ill. Therefore the best solution for having pure water is to make use of water purification systems at home or office.

Being the best in business, Filtered Water Solutions provides many water filter solutions that includes: Twin Under Sink, Three Stage, Reverse Osmosis, 3 Stage RO System, 5 Stage RO System, Fridge Filters, Under-sink Chiller and more products.

These water filter products use different technology to purify the water. Water goes through many stages of purification, which ensures that you get the best results possible depending on the product you purchase. The water filters are compact, easy to install and user friendly to operate.

Filtered Water Solutions offers free Installation on purchase of the water filter. The most important thing is that they also offer repair services for their brands and products with excellent customer service.

About Filtered Water Solutions

With more than fifteen years experience Filtered Water Solutions is offering water filters ranging from domestic to commercial use. Filtered Water Solutions is best at providing efficient services and have highly skilled team of professionals who are very helpful on site. The website have been eloquently designed and lists various products in detail.

To know more about water filter products offered by Filtered Water Solutions, you may visit


Tags: water filter, Water Filters

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N. K. Sami
Press Contact, Filtered Water Solutions