New Luxury Retreat Demonstrates How to Brand Yourself

Online entrepreneur and motivational speaker Caujaun Mayo now offers an Elite Retreat in September that will demonstrate his seven-figure approach to online success. Participants will be treated to several personalized sessions in a 12-bedroom Las Vegas mansion during the three-day experience, as well as a catered farewell event.

Motivational speaker and online entrepreneur Caujuan Mayo understands that the lucky achieve success without having failed first, but most people need to fall a few times before they learn how to run. Having spent four years in prison, he walked out with the understanding that his life needed to change. The entrepreneurial talents he put to a life of crime were something that he believed could be utilized in a more positive and healthy way. Additionally, he was able to better understand the learning process and accept that sometimes it is only through trial and error that one can truly learn. It has been eight years since he walked out of prison, and Caujuan is now a successful business owner with a healthy inbound sales business. His struggle to pull himself back up has been cataloged in his Amazon best sellers, and he works tirelessly to help others understand that they, too, can build a brighter future. His message of hope and overcoming the past is something he feels strongly needs to be heard and heard often. According to him, most people don’t realize their own strength and capability until they are forced to sink or swim. His books, and now the Elite Retreat, are his method of taking this message of empowerment to others.

“Like Oprah says, when we rise it's our duty to leave a trail behind us,” says Caujuan. “When I read the feedback on my books or get an email about one of my classes it motivates me to keep going. I don’t just help people realize their potential; I literally show them each step along the way. If I can do it, you can do it. These retreats are designed to teach people how to brand themselves and become financially successful online. Most important, teach them to trust themselves enough to take that first step on the journey.”

Caujuan said he now believes that he failed so others don’t have to. His first two years out of prison were a struggle with many false starts. It wasn’t until he got into Binary Options and Forex Trading that he saw his first big success. It was the success in this venue that made him realize not only what he was capable of but also that he was on the right path this time. In 2014, Caujuan would go on to form one of the biggest and most successful Binary Options Signal Service called Binary Trade Signal, also known as BTS. BTS would turn out to be his first six-figure business, but it wouldn’t be his last.

In 2017 Caujuan started working for Royaltie, a lead generation company that specializes in Proximity Marketing. Currently making over $18k a month in commissions, rising to the ranks of Top Earner and #1 Sales Rep within the company. Since joining Royaltie in 2017, Caujuan has gone on to create and launch with his son Dustin Duffy,, and with Jamal Johnson. These enterprises have all ensured that Caujuan has enough passive earning potential to never have to work again. However, once someone has a taste of success, they usually keep going, he explains, and today he has grown his brand to include coaching and training through his online university.

“I read somewhere that, at a certain point, you have to stop thinking about your piece of the pie and realize that there isn’t just one pie that you have to hoard,” he explains. “There are many pies, so stop trying to keep your secrets to yourself and start sharing them. That’s the goal of my online university and these courses I’m conducting in Vegas—to show people how to find their pie and get a piece.”

For more information about the Elite Retreat, visit the website.


Tags: branding, business, coaching, financial, marketing, upscale event

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