New Managed Virtual Private Servers by Bitpalast

In a race for new customers web space provider Bitpalast makes additional In addition to its Managed FreeBSD servers, web space provider Bitpalast now also offers Managed Red Hat Linux servers.

In addition to its existing virtual private servers running under the FreeBSD operating system, Bitpalast now also offers Red Hat Linux servers. As with the previous servers the Red Hat versions are also managed servers and will be provided preinstalled with all the usual programs such as Apache, PHP, MySQL and Urchin statistics. Immediately after setup, all the usual web applications can be used. Time-consuming additional installations are not necessary.

Servers offer full root access (SSH) and are completely customizable. Upon request Bitpalast will configure servers ready for operation with online shop software (e.g. osCommerce or Oxid Community Edition). Bitpalast will also install the appropriate SSL-certificate or supply CMS and blogging programs such as WordPress or Joomla).

Servers are available with 10, 20 or 40 GB of storage and offer high speeds, since Bitpalast only runs very few virtual servers on each of the host systems. The new service can be tested for 100 days without obligation. During the test phase customers will receive free premium support.



Bitpalast GmbH
Sensburger Allee 27
D-14055 Berlin, Germany

Interview partner:
Peter Debik MA

Phone (United States): 1-815-526 70 37
Skype: bitpalast
[email protected]


Tags: managed private server, Red Hat Linux, virtual private server, Virtual Server, vps

About Bitpalast GmbH

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Since 1990, the company has been developing into a leading provider of systematic internet solutions and today operates web servers for international, almost exclusively commercial customers.

Peter Debik M.A.
Press Contact, Bitpalast GmbH
Bitpalast GmbH
Sensburger Allee 27