New Manufacturing Consultancy Focuses on Growth
Online, November 29, 2013 ( - The former managing director of Rowe Hankins, Amanda Jones has launched a new manufacturing consultancy, HFZ Consulting. Having grown the rail systems engineers from £4 to £6 million, despite the recession, Amanda and her team will use this experience to advise clients on business growth, quality systems, financial control and manufacturing systems.
Amanda explained, "HFZ stands for hassle free zone - not the usual business school formula, but based on my practical experience building teams and motivating them to achieve higher performance. My aim is to produce real gains for clients in the shortest possible time frame. Many business owners and managers are so close to their business and engaged in day-to-day issues that they are blind to opportunities for improvement. Our aim is to give these clients quick wins, but also introduce longer term strategies for continued growth and improvement."
Amanda's achievements at Rowe Hankins are significant. During her tenure as MD, the company not only achieved a significant increase in turnover, they achieved IRIS quality systems accreditation. This is the internationally recognised quality assurance standard in rail. Several plants owned by rail industry prime contractors have had difficulty achieving this and Rowe Hankins was one of the first second tier component supply companies to meet the stringent requirements.
The company also won a multi-million pound contract from Network Rail for non-intrusive current monitors - a device that provides early warning of electrical insulation degradation, avoiding sudden failure and providing opportunities for preventative maintenance.
Significant progress was also made at this time in the development of wheel flange lubrication systems to prolong wheel and track life, reduce noise nuisance, save fuel and protect the environment. Programmes were also started to develop the next generation of devices and components for rail so that the company has new products in hand to spearhead future growth.
"These achievements were the product of good teamwork," Amanda emphasises. "The relationships inside a company have to be good for the team to achieve their best. I look forward to working with my clients to help them build competent, confident and ambitious teams that can achieve their goals."
HFZ will target rail supply, engineering and other manufacturing businesses and will call on expertise from a network of experienced practitioners in their fields, if required. "Manufacturing presents many challenges and has been treated as the poor relation of the business world, but there are real opportunities for growth and innovation and I am eager to help companies realise this potential," Amanda said.
More Information
Amanda Jones, Managing Director, HFZ Consulting Ltd, Tel. 0773089043
8 Westbury Close, Bury, BL8 2LW
E-mail: [email protected] Web:
Images are on the web at
Tags: business growth, manufacturing systems, motivation, project finance, quality systems, rewards, team building