New Media Guru - Carla Barnes To Join P.I.N.K. For Networking Mixer As Key Note Speaker

The Women to Women Networking Mixer will be held August 18, 2011 @ 6:30pm at the Yen Sushi and Karayoke in Culver City, California.

Carla Barnes, a successful entrepreneur serves as Chairman of three privately held companies. This awe inspiring entrepreneur on the move has built an outstanding reputation for expertise in the areas of radio, media, real estate and public relations. All of these areas mirror Barnes' own pursuits of creating and contributing to a higher standard of living for herself and others.

An Illinois native and teen mom, Carla holds degrees in Information Technology & Business and will serve as key note speaker for the P.I.N.K. Foundation at an event designed to empower women in life and business. Pushing forward P.I.N.K.'s mission; women everywhere coming together to encourage, uplift and inspire one another in the name of P.I.N.K.

Barnes will deliver "We Fall down, a Teen Mom's Story," sharing excerpts of her forthcoming memoire, which is titled as such. Inspiring the imagination to move beyond the boundaries of perceived limitations and visualize a world of untapped opportunities hidden within the chaos of the fast-shifting world we call life.

"What's unique about P.I.N.K. in my opinion is their Sisterhood programs. The complete and total camaraderie of women coming together to encourage one another to become great women and helping to guide, mold and shape the future for young girls. It's something that is essential to women of all colors," says Tawanda Cawthon.

"I am extremely excited to have Carla speak at P.I.N.K.'s Women to Women Business Networking Mixer this month. I have admired her business sense and enjoyed watching EOTM grow and thrive. When she began putting PR tips on twitter to help people in business I knew that her personal story would be great, because only those who have grown through much to get where they are today are willing to continuously give to others. When we spoke and she shared with me her story I heard many similarities between her story and mine and I was inspired to continue to move forward with my dreams. I always share with people that I started P.I.N.K. because I wanted to change my life and friendships, so I must admit that having Carla speak at the mixer is first and foremost because she is definitely the type of woman I want in my inner business/friend circle and I want to share her with all the women I can," says Founder of P.I.N.K. Jennifer Davis.

About EOTM Media Group
Since February 2007, EOTM Media Group has become the new voice of the Entrepreneur. With their innovative approach to integrating engaging entertainment interviews with equally alluring, informative business, political and cultural segments under the EOTM Radio network.

EOTM has helped to pioneer the "New Media" industry and has most definitely carved the acronym into the granite, with a new more popular meaning that is sure to hold the reigns for years to come. Entrepreneurs On The Move".

EOTM Public Relations firm has also raised the bar for their clients with extensive knowledge and expertise in marketing and branding.

EOTM is documenting the present successes and triumphs of their community, by building on the accomplishments of the past and helping to seek higher levels of success for the future. The company is actively involved in the transformation, by shaping and perpetuating the continuity of our communities and abroad.

EOTM is making the world obvious and obtainable to those with and without
the opportunity to experience it personally. EOTM is an all inclusive Entrepreneurial Success manual for successful, productive and positive living.

As people move through the country, they recognize the brand of EOTM, and
receive an essential road map as to what is going on around them. Mixing useful lifestyle information with society focused subject matter; EOTM is smart and conscious, with a focal point in creating a network of like minded individuals aiming at one primary goal. Success!!!

About P.I.N.K.
The Persistent Investigation for Never-Ending Knowledge (P.I.N.K.) Foundation sole purpose is to create a sisterhood in which women are empowered, uplifted and inspired to be their greatest. The foundation creates bonds between young girls and strong women, to encourage and promote women entrepreneurs, inspire girls and women to achieve their dreams and help girls grow into strong women. We strive to teach girls and women to be "Persistent" in everything they want to achieve, to always "Investigate" the situation, and to continually be on a quest for "Never-Ending Knowledge".

Jennifer Davis, Founder and CEO
Throughout my life I have always sought out the warmth and security of having sisters. When it came to my role in friendships I was loyal until the end no matter what and was happy to be the encourager of others dreams and the worker to help get the job done. Unfortunately I have struggled over the years to find women who embraced me the same way I embraced them, I have encountered all of the stereotypes women have in the world such as backstabbing, fake friendships and no loyalty or trust within the friendship. Tired and fed up with the way I was being treated and with the complaints I heard from others I decided to take a stand and make a difference. I combined my desire for a sisterhood with my need for change and my background experience in event planning and created The Persistent Investigation for Never-Ending Knowledge (P.I.N.K.) Foundation. The P.I.N.K Foundation is a company designed to create sisterhood everywhere women exist and for the empowerment of women. I created this company as a different approach to help women overcome trials and tribulations and to reach their full potential. I‟ve always carried with me the saying „It takes a village to raise a child‟, for me P.I.N.K. is my way of creating the village. This village will do more for women than help them raise their children; it will give them the support, love, understanding and tools to be encouraged, uplifted and inspired to fulfill their greatest potential. I have decided that I will see my dream of true sisterhood reached and it will be through The P.I.N.K. Foundation. Join me and my #pinksisters!

[email protected]

Click on the link below for more information and to reserve your seat - today!


Tags: Carla Barnes, EOTM Media Group, jennifer Davis, motivational speakers, new media, P.I.N.K., Women to Women Business Networki

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