New Petken Bestseller Becomes A Smash Hit As Her First Novel Finds A New Audience

New Jana Petken novel "Mercy Carver: Dark Shadows" Goes For Gold as "The Guardian of Secrets" Gains New Ground.

Mercy Carver: Dark Shadows by Jana Petken was released this week to strong sales and exceptional reviews. Petken, author of highly-acclaimed novel “The Guardian of Secrets,” saw her second book climb to new heights on Amazon. All of this comes as the new Kindle Unlimited service places traditionally published novels in jeopardy.

Mercy Carver: Dark Shadows” tells the story of Mercy Carver, a poor London woman, wondering what she has done to deserve such immeasurable suffering. It is only when she faces imminent death in the snow and ice-encrusted Virginia wilderness that she finally understands the power of destiny.

After escaping from sadistic criminals, she crosses an ocean and falls in love with Jacob Stone, a plantation owner determined to fight Abraham Lincoln and his government.

Jana Petken is an established writer in the historical fiction genre, and “Mercy Carver: Dark Shadows” is a decidedly more romantic release than her acclaimed debut novel “The Guardian of Secrets.” Petken, who currently lives in Spain, will be taking part in a promotional tour and appearing on radio stations around the world to promote “Mercy Carver.”

A recent review stated that "once again her writing is exceptional and her story telling superb. Mercy Carver: Dark Shadows is not a light read, more a tale that is so captivating and intense I read the book hoping beyond hope Mercy would be able to persevere through all the downs that life flings at her. I turned each page with the thought in my mind - this poor lady is one of those people that life seems to shun, please? Please? Give her a break. This is a great book - intriguing and captivating. I have no doubt Jana writes from her heart - you can feel her soul in her characters - they need but they are strong."

Mercy Carver: Dark Shadows” is available now and can be found on Amazon.


Tags: Authors, Books, Jana Petken

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