New Podcast Shares 'Warts and All' Insights for Growing Small Creative Agencies and Digital Start-Ups

London, UK, March 30, 2016 ( - As a new wave of small design agencies spring into being and micro-agency founders begin to hit the same obstacles, a new podcast - Perspective FM - aims to fill the knowledge gap. Brutally honest, practical and entertaining, this podcast helps creatives and digital specialists to build strong and resilient businesses by openly sharing experiences and perspectives on topics such as pricing, pitches, recruitment and marketing.
In recent years, we’ve seen the larger, full service agency model run by business strategists begin dying off. The juggernauts that used to dominate are becoming less and less relevant as the larger multi-national organisations take skills in-house. This, along with the wider trend towards self-employment, has opened up the ground for increasingly creative, diverse and specialised micro-agencies. This new breed of agency typically has vasts amounts of creative or technical skill, but they are missing the organisational and marketing know-how they need to get their fledgling businesses off the ground successfully. This means that many of them are hitting the same obstacles, missing the same opportunities and wasting time and money they can ill afford to lose. In order to smooth this steep learning curve offers honest insights from founders who want to share their experiences. The aim is to help other agencies to avoid making the same mistakes they may have made, as well as share different perspectives around the ongoing challenges and opportunities within the industry as a whole.
From our own experience and from speaking to dozens of other agency founders, we know that most creatives start their agencies without a clear business strategy or understanding of how steep the learning curve is in the first few years," says Jon Darke "Unexpected tax bills, underquoting for projects and underestimating project delivery times are all too common but are issues that can sink the fledgling agency before it's really got started. These are the issues we want to help our peers avoid
Jon Darke, Podcaster
Run by indie agency founders Jon Darke (from Every Interaction) and Dan Gent (of Lighthouse London), this lighthearted but pragmatic show shares valuable information that isn’t readily available elsewhere. Typical topics include tips and advice around process, management, hiring and growing teams as well as wrangling clients and projects. The podcast also features upcoming interviews with small business founders and covers real-world case studies of entrepreneurial success. New episodes are released every two weeks and are available on the Perspective FM website or via iTunes.
“From our own experience and from speaking to dozens of other agency founders, we know that most creatives start their agencies without a clear business strategy or understanding of how steep the learning curve is in the first few years,” says Jon Darke “Unexpected tax bills, underquoting for projects and underestimating project delivery times are all too common but are issues that can sink the fledgling agency before it’s really got started. These are the issues we want to help our peers avoid”.
Darke and Gent are keen to emphasise that they see no need for competition or jealousy in the design industry since every single company has its own take, specialism and style. Having worked together in another firm several years ago, they coincidentally moved their new agencies into the same building, on same floor, on same day. They soon began to meet regularly, along with other like-minded founders, to share ideas. It was when they realised these crucial conversations were all happening behind closed doors that the idea for Perspective FM was born. They argue that the more transparent we can be about the mechanics of running a creative business and the more knowledge we can share, the more the industry grows and flourishes for the benefit of everyone in it.
As the design agency landscape continues to evolve, it’s easier than ever for designers and developers to found their own companies with very little capital. Perspective FM openly shares the warts and all stories, valuable tips and useful resources from some of the most exciting new small firms who have made this happen for themselves and want to share their knowledge to boost the industry as a whole.
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Tags: creative industries, design agency, digital agency, podcast, small business