New Point-of-Sale Activation Technology by Disa Digital Safety USA is Awarded First Place at the 2017 (R)Tech Asset Protection: Innovation Awards by the Retail Industry Leaders Association ("RILA")

DiSa wins first place for emerging, game-changing technology that provides digital asset protection called Point-of-Sale Activation
Adam Partway Accepting RILA Award for Digital Safety USA

New Point-of-Sale Activation (PoSA) technology by DiSa Digital Safety USA (dba “DiSa”) is awarded first place at the 2017 (R)Tech Asset Protection: Innovation Awards by the Retail Industry Leaders Association (“RILA”).

DISA Limited is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, DiSa Digital Safety Pte Ltd’s wholly-owned subsidiary, DiSa Digital Safety (USA) (DBA “DiSa”), a U.S.-based Asset Protection solution provider, was honored by the 2017 (R)Tech Asset Protection: Innovation Awards by the Retail Industry Leaders Association for the world’s first all-digital asset protection solution suite. RILA is a trade association for the largest and most innovative retail companies. The (R)Tech Asset Protection: Innovation Awards showcases game-changing technology that mitigates total retail loss and recognizes visionary companies that are developing loss-prevention solutions.

"The RILA (R)Tech Innovation Award was judged by scholars, consultants, RILA Horizon Committee members, RILA board members and conference attendees from around the world. This award is an enormous honor considering the tough and worthy competition. Winning the (R)TECH Innovation award is like Winning the Super Bowl in the Asset Protection community," said Adam Hartway, CEO of Global Retail at DiSa.

Adam Hartway, CEO of Global Retail

RILA received applications across AP business functions, including Business Intelligence and Analytics, Workplace Safety, Crimes Against Business, and more. Finalists showcased their cutting-edge technology to a panel of top executives at RILA's 2017 Retail Asset Protection Conference, April 9-12, in New Orleans. Conference attendees met the finalists, experienced their technology, and cast their vote for Retailers' Choice Award.

DiSa was named first-place winner at the conference, which was attended by over 1,000 top retail asset protection executives from around the world. This provided DiSa a platform to present their advancements in retail technology that minimize retail loss and advance technology innovation in the retail Asset Protection (AP) industry.

“The RILA (R)Tech Innovation Award was judged by scholars, consultants, RILA Horizon Committee members, RILA board members and conference attendees from around the world. This award is an enormous honor considering the tough and worthy competition. Winning the (R)TECH Innovation award is like Winning the Super Bowl in the Asset Protection community,” said Adam Hartway, CEO of Global Retail at DiSa.

“Each year, we ask companies to bring us their game-changing technologies, and each year, they deliver and exceed expectations. This year in New Orleans was no different,” said Lisa LaBruno, RILA’s senior vice president of retail operations. “Recognizing innovations across the industry and learning more about how we can implement them to improve the field of asset protection are what the Awards are all about. Thank you to all of the participants and judges, and we look forward to seeing more cutting-edge technology in the future. We congratulate our first-place winner Digital Safety on their work in providing retailers with innovative digital asset protection solutions.” 

DiSa offers Point-of-Sale Activation technology for a wide array of consumer electronics products; and single-scan UPC (Universal Product Code) serialization that will be used by a much-wider product assortment to help prevent return fraud at retailers around the world. PoSA benefits include, but are not limited to, open sell of product which promotes increased sales, reduced shrink, elimination/reduction in cost from current theft deterrent solutions, reduction in returns fraud, promoted product in-stock accuracy whereby DiSa will allow the retailer to stock more units for sale without the fear of loss, and allows for true, non-assisted self-checkout options for the customer.


  • DiSa wins first place for emerging, game-changing technology that provides digital asset protection called Point-of-Sale Activation (“PoSA”) and a Serialization solution for products that defeats return fraud
  • DiSa has developed and intends to implement a global Point-of-Sale Activation asset protection solution
  • The Point-of-Sale Activation solution has been tested by the largest retailer in the world
  • The innovative DiSa PoSA solution is designed to drive sales and reduce total retail loss (shrink)

“Sell More and Lose Less with DiSa!”

About the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA)

RILA is the trade association of the world’s largest and most innovative retail companies. RILA members include more than 200 retailers, product manufacturers, and service suppliers, which together account for more than $1.5 trillion in annual sales, millions of American jobs and more than 100,000 stores, manufacturing facilities and distribution centers domestically and abroad.

About the DiSa PoSA Solution

The DiSa PoSA solution, the world’s first fully digital asset protection solution, is a digital lock applied to consumer electronic products during manufacturing. Each device is assigned a unique activation code. The digital lock prevents theft by rendering the devices inoperable from the point-of-production to the point-of-sale at retail stores. The device remains locked until the legitimate buyer activates the device using a one-time activation code that is printed on the retail sales receipt. Once activated, the device remains permanently unlocked and fully functional. DiSa offers full support to manufacturers, retailers and consumers through 24/7 phone support, Web support and App support.

The DiSa solution is a low-cost solution that increases efficiencies both in the supply chain and in the retail store. With DiSa, retailers will be able to increase sales by merchandising product on the sales floor without fear of theft (no more product hiding in the backroom where it cannot be sold). Retailers will be able to merchandise more quickly, as they will not have to apply current asset protection (AP) standards such as “keeper boxes,” “spider wraps,” or other inefficient standards. These current standards cost the retailers both: 1) employee productivity and 2) heavy internal costs from purchasing and repurchasing standards.

DiSa is designed to simplify the omni-channel retailer and manages a wide variety of transaction types in omni-channel retailing including 1) traditional brick transactions, including a full gift box experience, 2) E-commerce transactions where DiSa will protect the purchase to the customer’s door (no more mail theft or theft from a delivery vehicle), 3) Buy Online, Pickup in Store (BOPIS) and same day pickup in store.

About DiSa Digital Safety USA (dba “DiSa”)

DiSa Digital Safety USA (dba “DiSa”), is a US-based asset protection solution provider and wholly-owned subsidiary of DiSa Digital Safety Pte Ltd, which is a Singapore-based PoSA solution provider and wholly-owned subsidiary of DISA Limited that specializes in research and development of cutting-edge retail security solutions. Digital Safety USA is the winner of the 2017 (R)Tech Asset Protection: Innovation Awards by the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA). More information is available at and

About DISA Limited

DISA Limited (SGX:532), formerly known as Equation Summit Limited, is a publicly traded company on the Singapore Catalist Stock Exchange. With decades of experience as a multifaceted manufacturer and retailer, the company has grown to center its principle activity in investment holding. The current core business segments include energy management services, E-waste/Recycling, technology and construction. The name of the company was formally changed on 13 February 2017. More information is available at 

Source: Digital Safety USA


Tags: disrupter technology, industry disrupter, new asset protection technology, Retail, retail asset protection

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DiSa offers Point-of-Sale Activation technology for a wide-array of consumer electronics products; and single-scan UPC (Universal Product Code) serialization that will be used by a much wider product assortment to help prevent return fraud.

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