New positive research on living together just in time for National Cohabitation Month!
Online, April 23, 2010 ( - 62% of all couples who marry will cohabit first, proving that years of condemnation have not worked, as most couples reject the guilt-laden attempts to discourage their live-in arrangement. In addition, the rate of cohabitation is about to explode since 75% of high-school kids see cohabitation as worthwhile and harmless. The U.S. Census Bureau finds nearly 12 million people living together and it appears that cohabitation has become a new American institution.
Asheville, North Carolina - April 23, 2010 - Cohabitation is now more widely accepted than getting divorced or having a child out of wedlock. Oprah, Brad, Angelina and LeBron are just a few of the high profile celebrities to cohabitate, and while there is nothing new about celebrities cohabitating, what is new is that it has gone mainstream across America. National Cohabitation Month was established in May of each year, in part, to increase society's expectations of cohabitation and improve the stability of cohabitating relationships.
Cohabitation can no longer be seen as a single social phenomenon where hormones drive lustful young adults to shack-up. Instead, widely diverse populations, from teenagers to seniors, live together, as either an experiment in building an intimate relationship or simply to pool Social Security payments. New research is also providing some good news about cohabitation for a change. Divorce among women marrying their only cohabiting partner is 28% lower than for women who never cohabitate before marriage. Also, women who only cohabited with their fiancee first, divorced less than women who went straight to marriage.
All indications are that cohabitation will be a permanent feature in our society and the basis for a new form of family union. In light of this reality, Dr. John Curtis, who is a counselor, consultant and author, believes the logical response is to work to strengthen the institution of cohabitation since decades of condemning it has done nothing to discourage it.
May 2010 is National Cohabitation Month, and another example of the increasing popularity and acceptance of cohabitation as a viable alternative to marriage much like is already occurring in Western Europe. Dr. Curtis has just released, Happily Un-Married: Living Together & Loving It to provide useful information and practical tools to show couples how to enhance the health and stability of their live-in relationship.
This is the first book that takes a serious and nonjudgmental look at cohabitation. This groundbreaking book is for anyone thinking about cohabitation, who is cohabitating, or is interested in learning more about cohabitating. The book is a "fitness guide" for these often overlooked couples who must hide their relationship from friends, family and their employer.
Dr. Curtis can provide names and contact information of a variety of types of cohabiting couples available for immediate interviews. You can learn more about cohabitation at and for more information about National Cohabitation Month contact Dr. Curtis at [email protected] or call 1.828.246.0459.
Tags: cohabitation, love, relationships