New premier social twittering software and marketing community website!
Online, February 19, 2010 ( - Software have been taken in by the Facebooking world for a while now. I can now state that I am fully skilled at maintaining relationships with friends and family, networking with new contacts, marketing and joining groups of interest for business as well as pleasure and also keeping myself fully up to date with my ever more virtual family. To make sure I wasn't spreading myself too thinly I also only used Facebook as opposed to having profiles on all of the social networking sites available. So when I first heard about Twitter I didn't immediately see myself signing up to try and keep yet another profile active. However, this did not mean I was not interested in taking a look to see what it was all about.
On first glimpse, Twitter appears to focus solely on the type of status updates you would see on Facebook. In comparison to Facebook though, this is all Twitter appears to offer. There are no photo update pages, no applications to share with friends, no virtual hugs and presents to send out to loved ones, just plain and simple updates. Far from being a prehistoric Facebook though, the beauty of Twittering lies in its simplicity to read, follow and update your own profile page which lists your updates as well as those of your contacts, or those you are "Following", as they are recognized in the Twittering world.
Unlike Facebook, Twitter allows you to personalize your page to a larger extent, allowing you to brand your page with your logo. Your web address is also more prominent as it can be placed on the front page as opposite to the "Info" tab on Facebook. It is easy to see therefore, why there has been much talk of Twitter as a business tool used for networking, brand awareness and lead generation. This is not to say that Facebook and other social networking sites have not made major contributions to the online business world as they have made incredible differences and it will be fascinating to watch them grow and continue to impact on our businesses but these days in our fast and furious world I can see Twittering offering a direct access and insight into the heart of a company.
As a one line update limited in the number of characters you can use, a Twitter update or Tweet as they are known, is a micro blog; a slice of someone Else's mind; a spontaneous thought that leaves no space for justification nor explanation and something that is completely effortless and very quickly done and so it is unsurprising to imagine many company CEOs, Directors, Owners and even the next leader of the free world Barack Obama tweeting. The massive progress being made in the world of social networking means that the world is almost getting smaller and we can achieve more direct contact and links with the real decision makers in a company and in a reciprocal way, we can acquire more of a direct line and personal access to the company or person we are needing a product or service from. We all know that bloggers are a community bound by trust, bloggers trust other bloggers and micro-blogging with Twitter is no different.
If you have a company and are looking to enlarge your online exposure, Twitter is an effective tool to employ. Not only can large companies offer concise information on new products or services, worker bees can tweet the latest developments and breaking news in their world, individuals can use the online real estate space to add links of interest and those with a few seconds to kill can simply add a line about what they are up to, just as the "What are you doing?" box requests. All in all, a addictive tool that is not only a lot of fun to use, but also serves an basic purpose all of us in the online marketing world need in the form of ads.
Exposure, increased brand awareness and a personal touch that sometimes makes all the difference. Twittering software and marketing dot com is a hybrid of the Twitter and Facebook social world. The social website community industry is constantly changing and the increased ease of use, makes it almost contagious. I believe twitteringsoftwareandmarketing will be the trend setter for the ever changing social community world.
Tags: seo software, Social Tweeting, twitter marketing, Twitter Marketing Software, Twitter Software, Twitter Traffic Machine, Twittering, Twittering Software And Marketin