New PS3 YLOD Fix Website - Contains Helpful Information On How to Fix PS3 YLOD
Online, November 28, 2011 ( - For those who have a PS3 that has been infected with the dreaded Yellow Light of Death (YLOD), is the best place on the Internet to gain helpful information pertaining to fixing the PS3 YLOD. The YLOD has affected many PS3 systems, and has left their owners in a struggle to find the best fix. Most owners do not want to ship their console off to Sony and have to pay the hefty repair and shipping fees. Additionally, the process, of sending the PS3 console to Sony then Sony repairing it and sending it back, can take weeks to complete, leaving owners without their PS3's for a long period of time. There are many alternatives to sending the PS3 console off to Sony, but caution is required when exploring these alternative fixes, as some do not return on their promise of repairing the console. offers information to make the search for an alternative fix easy. Not only does this site provide the best option for a PS3 YLOD fix, it also provides many sources of information to acquaint PS3 owners with the YLOD and other PS3 errors. In order to fix the PS3 YLOD, it is important to know what you are up against. Without this knowledge, fixing a PS3 will be extremely difficult. Not to mention, the chance of damaging the PS3 from lack of proper knowledge of the fix. This site will help along every step of the way. Starting with identifying that the PS3 system actually has acquired the YLOD, or separate PS3 error codes, and what exactly the PS3 YLOD/error code indicates. Then gain knowledge about the PS3 YLOD cause; what could have caused the PS3 to obtain the YLOD. Also, included on the website is a review of the best way to achieve the PS3 YLOD fix. Armed with this knowledge, owners of YLOD infected PS3's will be back to gaming in a very short period of time, and will have saved up to $150.
Tags: fix ylod, Fix ylod PS, How to fix the yellow light on t, how to fix the ylod, how to fix the ylod on ps3, How to fix the ylod on the ps3, PS3 ylod Fix