New Real Estate Investing Book Provides Something Most Books Don't: The Truth

Truth or Comfort

Although real estate investing books can be had by the hundreds, Truth or Comfort by John Trautman of Real Estate Knowledge Institute (REKI) provides something most books neglect to provide: the truth.

Truth or Comfort, available now at & Amazon, tells you the truth about real estate investing: it's hard work. If you are looking for a get rich quick scheme, then real estate investing is not for you.  However, Trautman goes on to explain why it is worth it. “Real estate investing can provide for you and your family. For me, it hasn't been a get rich quick deal, but done correctly, you can generate income over time.”

The name of the book came from a small group presentation Trautman attended years ago, before the recession. The presenter asked, “Truth or comfort? Which do you prefer?” Those at the conference wondered about the question and why they should have to choose. Real estate was going great.

However, the presenter had some truths he wanted to impart about the impending bubble. He suggested that the group prepare themselves for what was to come. Trautman says, “For those of us who listened, it was information that helped us more easily navigate through some difficult times. Those who didn’t listen got hit hard. In fact, some lost everything. That’s why I named the book  Truth or Comfort. I want to provide others with the truth so they can make the best decisions.”

Truth or Comfort begins with Trautman's story as he discovers the common denominator between those that have made it and those that have not – real estate. He then explains his journey from a 23-year-old first-time home buyer to the present day, where he has done over 10,000 loans and purchased hundreds of properties across the US. Despite some setbacks, he states, “My real estate investments gave me the freedom I have been seeking for years.”

This book, based on Trautman's personal experiences, provides the truth about real estate investing with helpful hints, best practices, and off-the-cuff tips to help you keep your investments strong.

You'll learn:

·       5 Steps to ensure real estate investing success

·       A wide variety of investment strategies

·       Investments that don't require property purchase and/or cash in hand

·       Dozens of ways to get financed

·       Why networking is the most important part of investing

·       How to pick the best neighborhoods for investing

·       The differences between buying to flip and buying to rent

·       How foreclosures can be part of your portfolio

·       How to buy property via an auction

·       Tips for finding the best tenants for your rental homes

·       And More!

Whether you are just beginning to think about investing or have been investing for years, Truth or Comfort will provide you with tried and true ideas for making your business better. John Trautman has not only been there and done that, but is currently there and doing it. By the time you finish this book, you will be prepared to find the freedom, flexibility, and financial security you desire.

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Source: Real Estate Knowledge Institute


Tags: education, Fix and flip, Funding, income, property, Real Estate Investing, REI, Wholesale

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