New Rev Group Aims To Help Clients Reduce Impact Of A Promotional Coupon Scam
Online, August 19, 2010 (
New Rev Group - Scam Busting Technology
New Rev Group will be launching a test pilot of its new customer database program that aims to help reduce the amount of customers who may be misusing or abusing promotional coupons via the web. "There is a segment of the population out there that is essentially trying to scam our clients out of big dollars. The goal is to prevent the misuse of promotional codes that will save our clients tens of thousands of dollars every year. The implementation of new policies, procedures, and technology is just one more illustration of how committed we are to improving our client's bottom-line. We've always had a firm belief that If you look out for your clients, they will look after you! " - Ron Gronewald (President - New Rev Group, Inc.) New Rev Group expects their new scam prevention technology to go into full effect by the end of the month. If it proves to be successful, they may take on a consulting role with some other clients that are not currently in their portfolio to help them prevent scam artists from exploiting loopholes in ecommerce sites that offer coupon code discounts at checkout. This may very well become a new source of revenue for the New Rev Group moving forward if it is successful. Updates to follow . . .
Tags: advertising, Business, fraud, group, marketing, media, New, PR, rev, sales, salt lake, scam, technology, utah