New Social Network, Keyconex, Launches in September to Connect the B2B Industry Worldwide

Keyconex is a brand new social network launching in September to connect businesses providing products and services with those looking for them. While there are numerous social networks that connect individuals, but Keyconex will connect businesses. Users can create a profile to search for businesses or create a basic company profile for free.

Keyconex is a brand new social network launching in September to connect businesses providing products and services with those looking for them. While there are numerous social networks that connect individuals, but Keyconex will connect businesses. The site will primarily target the U.S., Canada, Europe, India, Japan and China, then target the rest of the world and add new features to Keyconex on our extended launch in January 2015. Users can create a profile to search for businesses or create a basic company profile for free.

Presently when a business looks for a company to perform a service or provide a target, they usually do a Google search only to find thousands of results with very few promising leads. Keyconex will act as a specific search where all of the results have already been vetted and you can find the specific need you’re looking for whether they are down the street or across the world.

"Companies understand that the more targeted the advertising they purchase, the better results they will have converting them to become a customer. But Keyconex provides the most targeted advertising possible. We're bringing the customers interested in your products and services to your doorstep."

Megan Hyche, Keyconex CMO

Businesses that provide a product or service to the business-to-business industry will be able to build a company profile showcasing their company after subscribing to Keyconex. Subscribing to Keyconex opens up an entirely new market to regional and national companies. Unlike with traditional advertising, a business will know what potential customers are interested in the products and services they have to offer.

Depending on which Keyconex package a business subscribes to will determine the number of products businesses can display, number of industries businesses can display in, number of skills businesses can display in, and search priority depend on the size of the businesses. All of the packages can be paid via an integrated PayPal system on Keyconex with more options to be available in the future.

The businesses that are looking for these services will be able to register for Keyconex at no charge. No matter what needs a business has: an investor in the company, a new service provider, or a new supplier, it can find what it’s looking for on Keyconex in minutes, rather than in hours like with other methods. While the business community currently looks for their peers on LinkedIn, soon they can turn to Keyconex to find a business to work with.

Additionally, companies will be able to advertise to the Keyconex community of business professionals. The type of audience Keyconex will attract makes for an appealing advertising options for a wide variety of businesses. It will also benefit businesses already advertising its products and services with a free Keyconex profile. Each size of businesses has a certain search priority for its size, but advertising on our site boosts its search priority.

To stay on top of the latest information about the Keyconex features and our release date, connect with us on: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Blogger, and Instagram. If you to learn more about our services, write a guest blog for your website or request our media plan, contact us using the information below.

Contact Information:

Megan Hyche, Chief Marketing Officer

(205) 233-1810

[email protected], [email protected]


Tags: B2B, Business, Business Connections, Business Contacts, Business Networking, Digital Marketing, Global Business, Google Search, Industrial Business, Search Results, Social Media, Social Network