New Strategies To Get Your Screenplay Produced In Todays Market
Online, February 16, 2011 ( - Hey Everyone,
So, I ran across this article that I thought illustrates what you need to do each and every day as a screenwriter to get success in this business. I will have to remember these steps and tell everyone that asks me what can they do.
Write a Studio-Style Commercial Spec.
The key is not to just guess at what could be a good idea, but to get real feedback on it's viability before you start writing, based on a number of factors including your style, voice and skill in relationship to recent sales and box office successes and failures. Then get that script covered by a coverage service and use their feedback to shine it into a sparkling gem.
Write a Script with a Big Idea That Can Be Produced under $5 Million.
This is basically stories that can be shot with a few locations, a limited amount of actors and avoid expensive period recreation, action scenes or effects. Lifetime Movie Network, Disney Channel, Showtime, FX, HBO and MTV among others make movies for television premiere that often also end up on DVD.
Write & Produce Shorts/New Media Projects.
Many a career was started with a short film. Whether it was produced in film school such as George Lucas' "THX1138" or my own USC classmates Luke Greenfield's post-college shorts "The Right Hook" ("The Girl Next Door") or Joe Nussbaum's "George Lucas in Love" ("Sydney White") these get attention. "South Park" was initially a short produced as a holiday greeting tape and the "The Simpsons" were interstitials on the "Tracy Ullman Show".
Write a Book, Play, Graphic Novel or Comic Book.
Certain ideas are more saleable if they've been vetted and proven by another market. As marketing has become more expensive for the studios they are increasingly interested in material, stories, mythology and characters that already exist in public consciousness.
Secure Life Rights.
Cable television in particular is interested in true stories.
They often look for an ordinary story about an extraordinary person (famous or infamous), or an extraordinary story (participation in historic or timely event, tragedy, courage or cure) about an ordinary person.
Attend Conferences & Film Festivals.
The best way to get into the business is to participate in the business. The more you can get on the ground to meet people and engage in meaningful conversations about the craft, business, trends, people and opportunities the easier it will be to move farther faster.
Brandon back.
Well, you can see that the name of the game is diversity. You need to keep working, and get those irons in the fire. This is the ultimate strategy.
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Tags: dialogue, Movies, screenplay, screenwriting, script