New Study Questions the Use of BMI-for-age in Defining Obese Children

Defining obesity and overweight children is the first challenge; and for that purpose, pediatrics uses certain measurements including Body Mass Index (BMI)-for-age chart. But, a study published recently has questioned that measurement set.

Childhood obesity is related to different serious health problems, and the number of obese children all over the world is on the rise. Yet, defining obesity and overweight children is the first challenge; and for that purpose, pediatrics uses certain measurements including Body Mass Index (BMI)-for-age chart. But, a study published recently has questioned that measurement set.

The study is published in a Journal of Research in Obesity here :

Researchers, at the Department of Pediatrics at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, studied a number of 2259 participant over the period of 18 month and they noticed that while 16.1% were classified as obese using BMI-for-age standard, only 14.3% were classified using the weight-for-age cut off. Thus, using weight for age instead of BMI-for-age is promising consistent and more accurate results. To mention "Eligible children were between the ages of two and 17 years and presented to the emergency department between June 1, 2011 and December 31st, 2012".

According to the study that was recently published at Journal of Research in Obesity, the researchers said that "If we use weight-for-age > 95th percentile as a screening tool, we can identify approximately two thirds of obese children without falsely labeling others as obese."

The benefit of that accurate obesity classification can help pediatricians and specialty clinics that focus on childhood obesity in preventative and outpatient management "especially if early intervention has any role in reducing longer-term morbidity." "Given the high specificity of the weight-for-age> 95th percentile cut-off, we can avoid erroneous stigmatization of this label and potentially unnecessary treatments or interventions."


Tags: BMA for age, Chidhood Obesity, obesity

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