New Study Reveals Harm in Consuming Four Glasses of Wine a Day

It can be an uncommon scenario reveals the new study that with the least 4 (four) glass of wine in a day, you might be simply causing a wreck on your health, according to scientists.

( It can be an uncommon scenario reveals the new study that with the least 4 (four) glass of wine in a day, you might be simply causing a wreck on your health, according to scientists. Majority of the people try unwinding themselves in pubs especially on a Friday night but according to the new release of application, one might be actually wrecking their health. A new study has revealed that a minimum of 4 (four) wine glass is more than enough to cause one with a lasting case of damage to the body. The study involved wine consumption where the single alcohol binge was seen to be causing bacteria leaking from gut which was leading to high increase in the level of toxins in blood. The study was carried out at UMASS (University of Massachusetts Medical School).

According to the study that was conducted in UMASS, the damage can be a cause of toxic issues even with very few or limited drinks. The research experts classified the research as a binge with 4 (four) or more usual consumption of drinks (Alcoholic) in case of women and 5 (five) and more for men within a common period of 2 hours can be a cause of damage to the individual. According to the lead researcher, they found that even a single binge (of alcoholic consumption) can bring out damage for both women and men and cause likely health impacting issues to an individual who is otherwise healthy. According to the observation, it is suggested that this type of binge can cause more danger than what was thought previously.

The research assessment was made to understand the harmful impact; the measure was conducted on the 11 males and 14 females where they were provided alcohol enough to increase the BAC (blood alcohol concentration) to 0.08 g/dl in an hour. 30 minutes post consumption with a grouping of 4 hours, samples of blood were taken. According to the results that got published in PLOS ONE journal, it was shown that an alcohol consumption of just one level led to a higher increase in the endotoxins in blood which led the body to form production of fever immune cells and caused inflammation along with tissue destruction. The researchers found the evidence of the bacterial DNA in the individual's bloodstream showcasing that the bacteria actually had made entry in the gut which then enables travelling through gut walls then to other various parts of body.

Compared with men, women during the experiment had a higher case of blood alcohol levels and also had high level of endotoxin. The increase in levels of endotoxin was also linked previously to various other health disorders associated with consumption of alcohol that also included liver disease.

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