New Sunny Siesta Mobile Game Invites Players to Act Together to Save Cute Animals
Krasnoyarsk, Russia, December 24, 2015 ( - Winter comes to the flourishing world of Sunny Siesta. Animals are looking forward to Christmas, and so does the Villain. With his new Impairies he is trying to ruin the long-awaited celebrations. Something must be done to stop him and his awful minions. For Christmas 2016, the game features nicely decorated snowy levels.
In Sunny Siesta players meet funny animals and their little bug friends. The goal of the game is to rescue entrapped animals by solving match-three puzzles. Bugs help solving levels by applying their powers to the game field. For example, the Spider stomps surrounding hexes, while the Dragonfly clears two intersecting lines.
Sunny Siesta focuses on social cooperation between players. Logging in to the game via Facebook allows gamers to help their friends complete levels with the help of bugs. Not the game breaking bugs, but little friendly bugs that every player can befriend. To earn their friendship, players have to rescue them from the captivity during the levels´ playthrough. The difficulty keeps rising with each level, so it´s crucial to cooperate with friends to beat the game.
Pricing and availability
Sunny Siesta is free with in-app purchases. The game requires Android 4.0.3 or later or iOS 5.1.1 or later.
Sugar Games develops family and kids games since 2004. Among successful titles developed by Sugar Games are Rainbow Web with over 10 millions of downloads, Wedding Salon, Brownies and others.
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Tags: android, casual games, ios, match 3, mobile game, Sugar Games