New Television Series Terra Nova on Fox and the Road to Longevity
Online, August 19, 2011 (
Terra Nova will be welcomed by very many, not just Sci-fi buffs.
Because it is a Drama, as well as Sci-fi, it will appeal to both audiences. Its been a good long while since any new shows have really come on TV that are not REALITY SHOWS.
I personally cannot wait to watch Terra Nova. It will be a weekly anticipated show in my home. I have a 9 year old who is on the edge of his seat waiting for Sept 26. Terra Nova really has so much potential for becoming a very long running show for so many different reasons. When we get to know our NEW characters we will all come to love and embrace them. We will identify with the different personalties. We will imagine our own selves and families in the same position and what we would do.
We will want to know if they were able to overcome the challenges of the last episode. What will the next episode bring? Given all our theories of WHAT will happen to planet Earth in the coming years. This is a whole FRESH new idea that brings us back to the Dinosaur era, not just TAKES us to outer space.
It takes what we know of today and in the future of our technology and brings us back to a world before any of that was ever created and thought of. The cast and crew work well together and compliment each other, two main ingredients for a long running show.
Of course we can not forget the awesomeness of Steven Spielberg (Jurassic Park) and Brannon Braga (Star Trek) who are VERY well known in the Sci-fi community and loved by all ages.
This series has potential to take the reigns in prime time television. We all have been getting a bit sick of reality TV. This will be a nice addition to our line up this fall.
The special FX are going to be phenomenal, FX that were just not known of back in the Jurassic Park or Star Trek days. With the help of HDTV's it will take us on a wild ride back into the days when the land was pure, untainted and new.
For many TV watchers it will be awesome to see something that is NOT filmed in L.A. and Terra Nova will by far show us more of the beautiful Australian countryside than Mad Max did back in the 80′s.
We have a lot to look forward to and what can we expect from a show such as this? It's uncharted territory, with endless possibilities. It will be an adventure. It may be a way of life? It may even become a new hope for all of us in the world. A reality check if you will? A premonition of what is to come? I hope that you tune to FOX on Sept. 26th and get ready to embark on the journey to Terra Nova.
You can also talk on the Terra Nova Forum with other fans or view the Terra Nova spoilers for upcoming events on the show.
Tags: terra nova, terra nova fansite, terra nova on fox