New Transparency Seal Comes from Germany: The Global One-of-a-kind Project Makes the Removal of Information Barriers in Companies and Organizations Visible!

With its "Transparent Company" seal of distinction, the initiative Seniorensiegel Deutschland launched a project for more openness and transparency in companies and organizations which is as yet unparalleled around the world.

According to a recent transparency study conducted by Klenk & Hoursch consultancy services, 82 percent of Germans would like companies and organizations to be more transparent. Particular need for action has been identified for companies in the food, energy, pharmaceutical and banking sectors.

The time has come to send a strong message to industry and service companies and to create an incentive for more courage and increased commitment when it comes to removing transparency gaps and information barriers.

A comprehensive catalogue of criteria serves as the evaluation basis for granting the transparent company seal and was drawn up together with experts from the areas of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility as well as market experts from the service and manufacturing industries. The areas which were tested and evaluated include, among others, the transparency of corporate communication and marketing, the transparency in production and distribution processes, the transparency in pricing as well as a transparent cost structure, the transparency in the salary system with understandable explanations of the salary differences and, finally, the behavior when dealing with crisis situations.

"Transparent actions create trust and credibility as well as proximity to the customers, are a cornerstone of a healthy corporate culture and constitute a crucial competitive edge. The new "Transparent Company" seal makes transparent actions visible and acknowledges companies which have made corporate transparency a major focus in their corporate philosophy," says Sven Lilienström, founder and organizer of the initiative Seniorensiegel Deutschland.

The evaluation of a company takes anywhere between 20 to 120 working days, depending on the company's size.


Tags: Germany, seal, Transparency

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Sven Lilienström
Press Contact, Seniorensiegel Deutschland