New & Unique 10-Digit Text Message Marketing Platform Available

We here at have recently rolled out a brand new and unique text message marketing platform. Instead of the five digit shared shortcode, our cloud communication text marketing platform allows you to use a 10 digit phone number.

We here at have recently rolled out a brand new and unique text message marketing platform. Instead of the five digit shared shortcode, our cloud communication text marketing platform allows you to use a 10 digit phone number. It works the same as regular SMS marketing from that point forward.
The main differences include:

1) Instead of having to select different keywords for different region of your business and losing some of your branding impact, all of your locations would be able to use the same keyword, but text it to a different 10 digit phone number. As an example, of having PIZZA1, PIZZA2, PIZZA3 for different locations all using the same shortcode, you could have all of your locations use the keyword PIZZA but text it to a different number.

2) You are able to select a 10 digit phone number within your area code. This number is also unique to your business and not shared with anyone else. You are still able to have multiple keywords with each number and account just as if it were a regular SMS campaign.

3) Opportunity exists to have vanity numbers. If they are available, we will grab them for you. Please note that this may take a few days to secure the number. To find out if your desired 10 digit number is available you can search online or have us do it for you.

4) All carriers are supported, even smaller pay as you go carriers that are not supported with regular SMS text messaging campaigns.

5) If you have locations that stretch in to Canada, Alaska or Hawaii, we can now support those as well. Previously Alaska and Hawaii text marketing was essentially off limits for all until this new platform was developed.

6) If people call the number listed instead of texting your keyword, an automated message is set up instructing them with your mobile call to action.

The rest of the system works the same as a regular text marketing campaign. You are building a list of your best customers with our automatic system and are able to market directly to those customers by sending them an exclusive offer, discount or special to their mobile device. still offers this service at one of the industry's lowest monthly fees and have flat rate per text message sent fee. The platform being used to offer this 10 digit code text marketing is very new and it's growth and opportunity is unlimited at this point. If you are interested please give us a call today, we would to hear your goals for your business or organization and help you grow.


Tags: Mobile Marketing, sms message marketing, text marketing, text message marketing

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Shane Farrell
Press Contact, Moto Message
Moto Message
151 Enfield Falls Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850