New Video Conveys Essence of the Volunteer Ministers Movement

Scientology Volunteer Ministers work in communities around the globe, responding to disasters great and small.
New Scientology Volunteer Ministers video on the Church of Scientology Youtube video channel

In just over two minutes, a new video on the Scientology YouTube video channel, "We Stand to Help," presents the spirit of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers movement and its impact on the lives of people in cities and villages the world over.

In creating the program in 1976, Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote, " A Volunteer Minister does not shut his eyes to the pain, evil and injustice of existence. Rather, he is trained to handle these things and help others achieve relief from them and new personal strength as well. How does a Volunteer Minister accomplish these miracles? Basically, he uses the technology of Scientology to change conditions for the better—for himself, his family, his groups, friends, associates and for Mankind."

People of all faiths or none are invited to train in the skills of the Volunteer Minister at any Scientology Church or Mission or to enroll in any of the 19 free courses through the Volunteer Ministers website.

"There are people I have helped who thank me whenever they meet me and explain how they are changed since I solved their problems by teaching them these tools," says Asaduzzaman Sajib, a 26-year-old Volunteer Minister from Dhaka who found the Volunteer Ministers program online and completed all 19 courses. "I feel I am providing something exceptional in a society where it is desperately needed, and I am making a huge impact every day."

This training is also available at the bright yellow traveling pavilions of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Continental Cavalcades and Goodwill Tours.

A global network of Volunteer Ministers responds in times of disaster. Veteran Volunteer Minister Ayal Lindeman, who has served at numerous disaster sites, says, "One of the worst effects of tragedy is the hopelessness it leaves in its wake. Survivors suffer almost inconceivable loss—of loved ones and everything they own—and they face an uncertain future. I believe our most valuable contribution is our ability to revive hope."

"We created minor miracles on a daily basis," says Koji Minami, one of the leaders of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers disaster response in Japan after the 2011 tsunami. "We cheered up the elderly, trained young people in Volunteer Minister technology and changed despair to hope in the most terribly affected areas. Scientology Volunteer Minister activities enable people to dream again—the best thing a person can do. It was wonderful to be a part of it."

Watch the new Volunteer Minister video on the Scientology YouTube video channel or visit the Volunteer Ministers website for more information.



Tags: Scientology, Scientology Volunteer Ministers, We Stand to Help, Youtube Scientology Video Channel

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