New Virtual Office by 5050BIZ Enables Business to Save Green While Going Green

5050BIZ, a virtual software platform, combines messaging, e-mail, webinar services, teleconference services and (soon to be released) document sharing all in one easy to understand program.

TUCSON, ARIZ.-Businesses today often have two key missions: saving money and "going green". Keeping in line with its name, 5050BIZ has found an idyllic balance between environmentally-friendly and economically-efficient.

5050BIZ launched their innovative, low-cost, easy-to-use business solution in July of 2009. By bundling together digital management, web collaboration, communication tools and social business networking into a one-stop virtual office website, 5050BIZ eliminates the need to find these vital components individually. In addition to saving time and money with their groundbreaking workplace platform, the environment is also spared from excess waste and emissions.

Saving Green
Time equals money in the business world. Organizations and individuals better their bottom line and increase efficiency by utilizing a single website, which allows them to easily communicate with peers, share ideas, exchange documents, perform online conferencing and collaboration management, seek new employees and even advertise. This streamlining of day-to-day office procedure cuts out the time spent searching for these different tools, learning how to use each and involving an IT department.

"The really noteworthy news is that American business and industry has discovered the true power and competitive advantages offered by energy efficiency such as LED lighting, re-commissioning their buildings, and creating virtual work platforms for their staff," said Dr. David Mattocks, President of GreenPro Systems, a company that helps business green their bottom line.

Merely eradicating the daily office commute and face-to-face networking can translate into a great deal of savings each year. The 2009 Urban Mobility Report, published recently by the Texas Transportation Institute, reveals that time wasted commuting in traffic totaled 4.2 billion hours, or approximately one full work week for every traveler. Researchers now recommend telecommuting as an efficient alternative.

Going Green
There is a positive, trickle-down effect on the environment by using 5050BIZ. From reducing emissions during travel time, to going paperless through virtual document exchange and bulletin boards, to utilizing virtual advertising mechanisms and eliminating excess paper waste, the company's eco-consciousness is widespread.

The same 2009 Urban Mobility Report states that annual fuel wasted by regular commuting totals more than 2.8 billion gallons, or three full weeks' worth of gas per commuter. As vehicles are heavy contributors to air pollution, limiting work-related transportation time would cut the environmental impact greatly. In addition, other far-reaching benefits include reducing the energy involved in road repair, plus equipment and material production.

Demands for cooling, heating and lighting in a virtual office are much more modest that those of a larger office space, also diminishing environmental detriment. Decreasing the office building construction need would also be beneficial in a multitude of ways.

With so many organizations looking to "green" their bottom line, 5050BIZ now offers a simplified mechanism. As the company's Senior Vice President of Operations Karen Connors summarizes, "5050BIZ is a no-brainer, no maintenance, no software and no IT department necessary."

About the company
5050BIZ, LLC is a privately funded limited-liability company based in Tucson, AZ. The company, founded in 2008, developed and now offers a low-cost, easy-to-use, subscription-based virtual office which bundles together, in a single Website, a host of digital business management and networking tools. For more information, visit


Tags: green business, software platform, virtual office

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