New Vivix Distributor Chad DeBolt Testifies About Resveratrol and Health

WORLD WIDE WEB, April 5th, 2010--Chad DeBolt has announced that he has joined the Shaklee company. Shaklee has been in business since 1956, and they may well have invented the home-based business model and the nutritional supplement business

WORLD WIDE WEB, April 5th, 2010--Chad DeBolt has announced that he has joined the Shaklee company. Shaklee has been in business since 1956, and they may well have invented the home-based business model and the nutritional supplement business--decades before either one of these 21st century business giants were the least bit mainstream. DeBolt has specifically joined Shaklee because of one of their latest and most advanced nutritional supplement products--the resveratrol-based product called Vivix.

"Our mission at Shaklee is to provide a healthier life for everyone and a better life for anyone. We do it by making natural products that are so exceptional, you just have to tell your friends.
When you pick Shaklee, you will know three things to be true. It is always safe. It always works. And it is always green" says DeBolt.

And this is certainly true of their latest and greatest product, Vivix. This is a proprietary blend of resveratrol and their own polyphenol blend. Shaklee scientists have spent years developing Vivix to fight cellular aging. If we fend off cellular aging successfully, well...we will certainly live much, much longer than we do now, and our lives will be vivacious and highly energized right up to the very last days. Furthermore, it will be far more difficult for us to be made sick, or to be killed, by diseases, because with cellular aging fended off our immune systems remain powerful.

Remember how easy it was for you to fend off an illness when you were 25? Remember how energized you were when you were 19? Vivix is a tonic that keeps you as healthy as a 25 year old and as energized as a 19 year old even when you are 45...55...65...85...100! Vivix means that no longer is youth wasted on the young. Now, you can have the benefits of experience and wisdom at the very same time that you have the physical benefits of youth. Who would not want this? But, if "aging" and "old" are not the same thing, how come older people up until how have had to trade in their youthful physical energy and strength for the coveted but bittersweet mantle of wisdom and wide knowledge?

You see, it's a sad fact of life: aging begins long before we can see or feel any changes--at the microscopic cellular level. But is cellular aging inevitable? We may not be able to stop time. But emerging research reveals we may be able to influence these biological aging processes in ways that can significantly turn it back! This has to do with how efficiently cells repair and replicate themselves. This directly affects your health, well-being, and aging process in various ways.

Every day, every cell in your body is bombarded by up to a million DNA-damaging assaults. These assaults can damage a cells genetic database, creating a typord; that may compromise cell function and longevity. Next, our bodies contend with biological Genetic Regulators, which contribute to age-related cellular deterioration by controlling the dynamic balance between damage and repair, including whether a cell will live or not. As if that's not enough, the mitochondria in our cells create energy we can’t live without. As mitochondrial efficiency decreases--which is what happens as our cells age--cell function declines. Finally, we contend with the excess accumulation of Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGE), which can cause cellular damage that can compromise cell integrity and longevity.

What does the extensively lab-tested and 100% natural Vivix product do for you?

Supports heart health and cardiovascular function
Supports brain health
Supports enhanced immunity function
Supports joint function
Promotes cellular longevity
Increases cellular energy
Promotes good health and well being
Provides antioxidant support

DeBolt says, "Shaklee's research led them to a remarkable super grape, known as Vitis rotundifolia. This is the only grape found in nature with an extra chromosome, which scientists believe greatly enhances its polyphenol profile and potential health benefits. In collaboration with scientists from the University of Georgia, Shaklee scientists employed a bioassay-guided process, which resulted in a patent-pending super grape extract with ellagic acid, a polyphenol not found in ordinary grapes. Ellagic acid is thought to be responsible for many of the unique cellular anti-aging actions of the super grape in the Vivix formulation. In addition, the Shaklee patent-pending extract supplies other potent polyphenols affecting cellular longevity pathways, such as phenolic acids, ellagitannins, anthocyanins, and proanthocyanidins."

Despite the cynical naysayers, there is a wide and growing array of clinical research into resveratrol that says that it really is one of the most powerful anti-aging substances on the face of the earth. And Vivix has probably been more extensively and tightly tested than any other resveratrol supplement on the market today.

To learn more about this remarkable product from a remarkable company, contact Chad DeBolt.


Chad DeBolt
[email protected]


Tags: anti-aging, Resveratrol, Vivix

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Milwaukee, WI 53218