New Website Launched To Clear Up The Confusion Surrounding Oil And Gas Investing
A brand new website is being launched that is designed to help clear up the misconceptions that continue to exist regarding oil and gas investing.
Online, March 29, 2011 ( - The law of supply and demand is hard at work in the oil and gas industry. The more pressure there is on the demand for oil, the higher the prices are going to be. That increased demand is accompanied by an increase in reliance on foreign oil supplies, and the U.S. government provides a wide variety of incentives to encourage investment in domestic oil and gas drilling. Because investor's want to take advantage of the opportunity to help develop additional domestic sources, they become easy pray for unethical parties.
Because of the lack of reliable and ethical information about the risks and opportunities surrounding oil and gas investment, Oil and Gas Partnerships ( ) has launched a new website dedicated to providing the most up to date and reliable information about oil and gas investing and direct partnership programs available on the net.
Jean Paul Getty (1892 - 1976), American Industrialist and Founder of the Getty Oil Company, once said, "Oil is like a wild animal. Whoever captures it has it." There are enormous opportunities available for highly qualified oil and gas investors, but there are also a number of risks involved. Oil and Gas Partnerships cuts through the false promises and sales talk that accompanies most oil and gas investing information to present a clear picture of why people should invest in oil and gas and what qualities make a good oil and gas investor.
Investing in oil and gas is not right for everyone, and Oil and Gas Partnerships helps investors determine if oil and gas investing, particularly through direct partnership programs, is right for them. Well qualified investors can register at the site to receive the Oil and Gas Partnership newsletter. Registered oil and gas investors will also receive access to the Oil and Gas Partnership video, "How Oil and Gas Partnerships Are Offered." Learn more by visiting today.
Tags: Oil and Gas Investing, oil and gas investments, Oil and Gas Partnerships